Basics of Rexx - IBMMainframer
REXX (Restructured EXtended eXecutor) is a powerful interactive programming language that can execute system commands, such as TSO, ISPF etc. It allows you to: Request information …
Rexx Tutorial - IBMMainframer
This Rexx tutorial will be helpful for Mainframe application program / Mainframe system programmer, to make them comfortable in getting started with (Rexx) Restructured Extended …
Rexx Tutorial - Learn the Basics of Rexx Programming
Learn the fundamentals of Rexx programming language, including syntax, variables, and control structures with this comprehensive tutorial.
Learning the REXX Language - IBM
Introduction — The REXX language has many features that make it a powerful programming tool. Writing and Running a REXX Exec — Execs are easy to write and have few syntax rules. …
Rexx Tutorial for Beginners, 1 Introduction, Overview, Statement, Procedure, Function
REXX eliminates a lot of the unfamiliar programming syn-tax as well as the need to master an unfamiliar programming environment. However, a student must learn some initial basics about …
Rexx Introduction - Rexx Tutorial - IBMMainframer
Rexx Introduction: REXX (REstructured eXtended eXecutor) programming language was first created in 1979, as a very high level scripting language that had a particularly strong facility for …
Rexx Scripting - RexxInfo.org
Rexx is a platform-independent, standards-based scripting language that runs on a wide variety of systems. This article introduces “classic” or procedural Rexx. There are also object-oriented …
Rexx Tutorial - RexxInfo.org
2005年2月11日 · This tutorial describes classic features of the Rexx language. The intent of the tutorial is to enable you to become a proficient Rexx program developer, without any initial …
Rexx - 基本语法 | Rexx 教程
在本教程中,您将学习如何使用Rexx-基本语法,为了理解Rexx的基本语法,让我们首先看一个简单的HelloWorld程序。 示例/*主程序*/sayHelloWorld可见helloworld程序是多么简单。