Learning the REXX Language - IBM
Introduction — The REXX language has many features that make it a powerful programming tool. Writing and Running a REXX Exec — Execs are easy to write and have few syntax rules. Using Variables and Expressions — Variables, expressions, and operators are essential when writing execs that do arithmetic and comparisons.
How to write a HEX string into a file as HEX using REXX
2010年1月11日 · There is built-in function in REXX called 'INTERPRET', which helps us in building dynamic REXX commands. Here is the single statement, made me run the module successfully: It dynamically creates a REXX statement: which will tell REXX interpreter the string in 'name' as HEX data.
REXX编程入门与实践指南 - 极简博客
2020年9月8日 · rexx编程是一种简单、易学和强大的脚本编程语言,适用于各种系统管理、自动化任务和数据处理任务。 本文介绍了REXX编程的基础语法以及一些实践案例,以帮助初学者快速入门和使用REXX编程。
Overview of REXX expressions - IBM
REXX expressions consist of one or more terms interspersed with zero or more operators that denote operations to be carried out on terms. Expressions are evaluated left to right, modified by parentheses and by operator precedence in the usual algebraic manner.
Rexx Basics- Rexx Tutorial - IBMMainframer
REXX (Restructured EXtended eXecutor) is a powerful interactive programming language that can execute system commands, such as TSO, ISPF etc. It allows you to: Request information from the terminal and Display output on terminal. Execute TSO commands under program control. Develop custom-made utilities. Read and write files.
RexxInfo.org - Free Tutorials, Downloads, Examples, Tools, more
Rexx is a versatile programming language that combines ease of use with power. It runs on nearly all platforms-- So your skills apply everywhere; And your code runs anywhere; It’s as easy as JavaScript or PHP, yet as powerful as Perl; Several free procedural interpreters are available Plus a free object-oriented version -- Open Object Rexx
为什么您应该考虑使用 Rexx 来编写脚本 - Linux-Console.net
Rexx 利用解释器的优势来简化程序开发。 跟踪工具允许开发人员以各种方式指导和见证程序执行。 例如,可以单步执行代码、检查变量值、在执行期间更改它们等等。
Rexx Scripting - RexxInfo.org
Rexx is a platform-independent, standards-based scripting language that runs on a wide variety of systems. This article introduces “classic” or procedural Rexx. There are also object-oriented Rexx and Java- compatible Rexx implementations. You can learn all about them, and find free tutorials, downloads, tools, and more, at the Rexx Info website.
This cheat sheet was made with inform‐ation gathered from IBM's VSE/REXX Reference 6.1. You can force concatenation without a blank line by using the || operator. The abuttal operator is …
• Why Rexx? Why Object Rexx? –Simple syntax ("human-centric" language) •Easy and quick to learn –Powerful object-model •All important concepts of the OO-paradigm available • Availability of Software http://www.ooRexx.org