the powerful JavaFX GUI libraries can be exploited by pure Rexx, allowing Rexx programmers to create the most demanding and complex GUI applications in an unparalleled easiness in an astonishing short period of time.
Rexx/DW - Lightweight GUI
2015年5月28日 · Rexx/DW provides Rexx programmers with a lightweight, cross-platform GUI package. Rexx/DW uses Dynamic Windows to provide the cross-platform GUI that runs natively on Windows, OS/2 and GTK+.
Rexx Graphical User Interface - Online Tutorials Library
Explore the Rexx programming language's capabilities for creating graphical user interfaces (GUIs) with this comprehensive overview. Learn about creating GUIs with Rexx and elevate your coding experience.
16. Graphical User Interfaces - Rexx Programmer's Reference [Book]
Our goals here are to describe the different GUI interfaces available to Rexx programmers and offer guidance on the advantages and drawbacks of each. We also give you an idea of the structure and design of typical GUI-based scripts.
Radix UI
Stay on top of your daily tasks. Components, icons, and colors for building high‑quality, accessible UI. Free and open-source.
RexxInfo.org - Free Tutorials, Downloads, Examples, Tools, more
Rexx is a versatile programming language that combines ease of use with power. It runs on nearly all platforms-- So your skills apply everywhere; And your code runs anywhere; It’s as easy as JavaScript or PHP, yet as powerful as Perl; Several free procedural interpreters are available Plus a free object-oriented version -- Open Object Rexx
Rexx - Wikipedia
Rexx (restructured extended executor) is a high-level programming language developed at IBM by Mike Cowlishaw. [6] [7] Both proprietary and open source Rexx interpreters exist for a wide range of computing platforms, and compilers exist for IBM mainframe computers. [8] Rexx is used for scripting, application macros and application development.
重构扩展执行程序 (REXX) 是 Systems Application Architecture® 过程语言的 i5/OS™ 实现。REXX 是一种编程语言,作为 i5/OS 许可程序的一部分提供的解释器支持该语言。 REXX/400 程序员指南 (854 KB) 此指南对 REXX 编程进行了广泛讨论。
Since back in early 1986 UI had not installed SAS/AF yet, the author then decided to use REXX to build a user-friendly front-end interface. UISSP system, to allow the user to enter the data and run reports easily. REXX is a general pwpose, high-level language.
Rexx provides a simple-to-use, high-level I/O interface. At the same time, Rexx aims for standard-ization and portability across platforms. Unfortunately, this latter goal is dificult to achieve — I/O is inherently platform-dependent, because it relies upon the file systems and drivers the operating system provides for data management.