Rey Complex Figure Test and Recognition Trial - PAR Inc
The RCFT standardizes the materials and procedures for administering the Rey complex figure, measures recognition memory for the elements of the Rey complex figure, and assesses the respondent’s ability to use cues to retrieve information.
第一节 Rey-Osterrieth复杂图形测验 | 心书房
Rey-Osterrieth 复杂图形测验(Rey-Osterrieth complex figure test,ROCF)是神经心理学领域应用最为广泛的评估视觉空间能力的测验工具。 完成该测验需要运用计划、组织和问题解决技能,以及感知、运动和情景记忆 [1,2] 等一系列认知能力,主要用于评定视觉空间结构 ...
Automating Rey Complex Figure Test scoring using a deep …
2023年8月30日 · The Rey Complex Figure Test (RCFT) has been widely used to evaluate the neurocognitive functions in various clinical groups with a broad range of ages. However, despite its usefulness, the scoring method is as complex as the figure.
What is the Rey-Osterrieth complex figure test? — Brain Stuff
2018年8月24日 · Answer: The Rey-Osterrieth complex figure task is a neuropsychiatric test that measures visual memory, working memory, and executive planning. The Rey-Osterrieth test was developed by two psychologists, André Rey and Paul-Alexandre Osterrieth in the early 1940s.
Is formal scoring better than just looking? A comparison of …
Neuropsychologists labor over scoring the Rey Complex Figure Test (RCFT), a measure of visuospatial functioning and nonverbal memory. Compelling arguments suggest that pathognomonic signs of the RCFT are observable to the “naked eye.”
Rey Complex Figure Test and Recognition Trial (RCFT)
The RCFT measures visuospatial ability and visuospatial memory. 6 to 89 years. English. Results of factor analysis suggest that the RCFT captures five domains of neuropsychological functioning: visuospatial recall memory, visuospatial recognition memory, response bias, processing speed, and visuospatial constructional ability.
Rey-Osterrieth复杂图形检测阿尔茨海默病和轻度认知障碍患者的 …
本研究通过对MCI患者、轻中度AD患者及正常对照组进行Rey-Osterrieth复杂图形测验(Rey-Osterrieth complex figure, ROCF)及结果分析,用以评价视空间功能受损明显的MCI及早期AD患者的临床特征,从而协助其早期的正确诊断。 收集并筛选出2014年至2020年 8月就诊于门诊并进行全面认知测评的患者,总共421例。 MMSE评分≥26, NPI评分为0,CDR评分为0,ADL评分正常的无 记忆力障碍、睡眠障碍及运动障碍的人群。 共117例,其中男性52例,女性65例,平均年龄 …
The Rey Osterrieth Complex Figure (ROCF) is a widely used neuropsychological test for visual perception and long term visual memory. Many scoring systems are used to quantify the accuracy of the drawings; these are currently implemented by hand in a subjective manner.
Rey复杂图形测试(RCFT)_上海瑞狮生物科技有限公司——康复 …
Rey复杂图形测试(Rey Complex Figure Test and Recognition Trial, RCFT), 对Rey复杂图形的管理材料和程序进行标准化,测量Rey复杂图形元素的识别记忆,评估了被测试者使用线索检索信息的能力。
Rey Complex Figure Test and Recognition Trial (RCFT)
The RCFT standardizes the materials and procedures for administering the Rey complex figure. The Recognition trial measures recognition memory for the elements of the Rey complex figure and assesses the respondent's ability to use cues to retrieve information.