Ilya Reznik admitted that he wanted to commit suicide after a …
2019年5月19日 · Ilya Reznik was married three times. The first divorce from his wife Regina was hard for him, because the poet was very attached to children. At that time, the creator of the hits, Alla Pugacheva, even thought about suicide, but his son, who wanted to live with his dad, saved him from a fatal mistake. Фото: Depositphotos
'God's punishment for her life and sins': Reznik spoke about the ...
2020年4月12日 · As the songwriter noted, the time has come for the singer to repent and beg for forgiveness, writes Teleprogramma.pro. Poet-songwriter Ilya Reznik spoke about the scandal in the family of the “queen of Russian chanson” Lyubov Uspenskaya. A few months ago, an interview with her daughter Tatyana Plaksina on television had the effect of a bomb. Recall …
Ilya Reznik advised 'impoverished' Russian stars to sell expensive ...
2020年12月1日 · Russian songwriter Ilya Reznik advised impoverished stars who complain about a decrease in earnings due to the coronavirus pandemic to sell mansions and other real estate and live on the proceeds, says Rambler. The poet noted in an interview that celebrities are in a better position than other people. According to Reznik, Russian celebrities have no reason to …
'A crowd was waiting for me in New York': Lyubov Uspenskaya
2019年7月22日 · Reznik is sure that Ouspenskaya simply “stole” the Cabriolet from him, the performance of which brought her millions. The singer says that the poet, who at that time also lived in the United States, asked her to sing this song, but did not demand a fee or the signing of a contract until the composition became a megahit.
'Божья кара за ее жизнь и грехи': Резник высказался о …
2020年4月12日 · Как отметил поэт-песенник, исполнительнице пришло время раскаиваться и вымаливать прощение, пишет Teleprogramma.pro. Поэт-песенник Илья Резник высказался о скандале в семье «королевы русского шансона» Любови Успенской ...
Red gown and lipstick: Pugacheva was first published after the …
2019年7月5日 · Alla Pugacheva was published after the scandal with a limousine at a train station in Moscow. The star and her family are resting in Jurmala.
'I'm in love': 66-year-old Ouspenskaya commented on rumors of …
2020年6月30日 · The singer does not hide that she would not refuse such a man, writes “Today”. Famous Russian singer Lyubov Uspenskaya first commented on rumors about her affair with 27-year-old Georgian singer Levan Kbilashvili. On the subject: 'Mister Green Eyes': Uspenskaya's daughter showed a rare photo of her father in his youth. Note that not so long ago, the 66-year …
51-year-old Tatyana Bulanova was in intensive care: what happened
2020年4月13日 · 'God's punishment for her life and sins': Reznik spoke out about the scandal in the Assumption family 78-year-old Lev Leshchenko was in intensive care with pneumonia and suspected COVID-19 Follow success stories, tips, and more by subscribing to Woman.ForumDaily on Facebook, and don't miss the main thing in our mailing list
10 Russian stars who failed to build a successful career in the USA
2020年9月4日 · 'Russian snegurochka': the history of the Soviet model, who conquered the world and became the wife of a millionaire 'God's punishment for her life and sins': Reznik spoke out about the scandal in the Assumption family First class in Moscow and third in New York: Pugacheva and Orbakaite took the children to school Ours in Hollywood: 10 famous ...
Why husbands leave wives: 10 unexpected reasons - ForumDaily …
2021年3月19日 · Ilya Reznik admitted that he wanted to commit suicide after a divorce Angelina Jolie wrote a testament: shocking details about the state of health of the actress Fix 7 common errors that make home uncomfortable