RGB32 <-> YUV420 - Intel Community
2006年12月15日 · Hi, I need to convert RGB32 to YUV420 and vica-versa. What would be the correct sequence of function calls? I have found a way to convert RGB32 to YCbCr420 using …
output RGB32 frame is corrupted using HW decoder and VPP
2015年10月12日 · I am decoding a input h264 stream and doing the video post processing for converting the YUV frame into RGB32. When I configure decoder to use SW decoding then it …
Easiest way to use VPP based RGB32 to NV12 conversion
2014年1月9日 · i need to encode RGB32 frames to H264 using Quick Sync, and my choice of API was Media Foundation, since I had that already with Microsoft's H264 encoder and wanted to …
M-Jpeg to RGB24/RGB32 - Intel Community
2011年8月12日 · Hi, Are there any examples in IPP that shows on how to decode M-Jpeg frames to RGB24/RGB32 frames? Please let me know the link where I can find the examples. Thanks,
Solved: NV12 To RGB conversion - Intel Community
2009年10月4日 · Hi, I couldn't find an NV12 to RGB24/RGB32 color conversion primitive in the doc. Is there such support? If not, is it planed in a future update? Thanks, Emmanuel
Solved: MFX: Unsupported extension: - Intel Community
2020年4月28日 · Same issue here, I have followed Max L. (Intel)'s advice to installed FFmpeg, when I try to create an avi file of fourcc MJPG, it will complain unsupported Fourcc
RGB32->NV12 conversion issue using video memory on Microsoft …
2016年1月8日 · Hi, I build a custom app, containing VPP+Encoder pipeline for converting RGB32 frames into NV12 first and then encoding these NV12 frames into h264. I developed this app …
decoder h264 to RGB32? - Intel Community
Process: network stream H264->decode->vpp(nv12 to rgb32) problem:vpp init failed(rgb32) code: mfxVideoParams.mfx.CodecId = MFX_CODEC_AVC //
Green RGB32 output from H.264 decoder - Intel Community
2010年2月2日 · No reader, no splitter. Since splitter normally extracts all necessary H264VideoDecoder initialization information [width, height, color_format, etc.], it is necessary …
H264 RGB32 VPP not support? - Intel Community
2013年12月20日 · The Intel Media SDK project is no longer active. For continued support and access to new features, Intel Media SDK users are encouraged to read the transition guide on …