Chandra :: Photo Album :: RGG 118 :: August 11, 2015
The tiny heavyweight black hole is located in the center of a dwarf disk galaxy, called RGG 118, about 340 million light years from Earth. Our graphic shows a Sloan Digital Sky Survey image …
A ~50,000 solar mass black hole in the nucleus of RGG 118
2015年6月24日 · Based on Sloan Digital Sky Survey spectroscopy, RGG 118 was identified as possessing narrow emission line ratios indicative of photoionization partly due to an active …
Hubble Space Telescope Imaging of the Active Dwarf Galaxy RGG 118
2017年9月22日 · Here, we report on new \textit {Hubble Space Telescope} Wide Field Camera 3 UVIS and IR imaging of RGG 118, with the main goal of analyzing its structure. Using 2-D …
Hubble Space Telescope Imaging of the Active Dwarf Galaxy RGG 118
2017年12月1日 · RGG 118 (SDSS 1523+1145) is a nearby (z = 0.0243), dwarf disk galaxy that is found to host an active ∼50,000 solar mass black hole at its core. RGG 118 is one of a …
RGG 118 - 百度百科
天文学家们通过研究RGG 118,可以探索超大质量黑洞如何在早期宇宙中形成,以及它们如何影响星系的演化。 这对于理解星系的形成和演化,以及黑洞在宇宙中的角色至关重要 。 新闻报道. …
Hubble Space Telescope Imaging of the Active Dwarf Galaxy RGG 118
RGG 118 is one of a growing collective sample of dwarf galaxies known to contain active galactic nuclei (AGNs)—a group that, until recently, contained only a handful of objects. Here, we …
A ∼50,000 M ⊙ Solar Mass Black Hole in the Nucleus of RGG 118
Based on Sloan Digital Sky Survey spectroscopy, RGG 118 was identified as possessing narrow emission line ratios indicative of photoionization partly due to an active galactic nucleus. Our …
Chandra :: Photo Album :: RGG 118 :: RGG 118 Animations
The tiny heavyweight black hole is located at the center of a dwarf disk galaxy, called RGG 118, about 340 million light years from Earth. Researchers estimated the mass of the black hole by …
Chandra :: Photo Album :: RGG 118 :: More Images of RGG 118
The smallest supermassive black hole ever detected in the center of a galaxy has been identified using observations with Chandra and the 6.5-meter Clay Telescope. The host galaxy for the …
Oxymoronic Black Hole Provides Clues to Growth - NASA
2015年8月11日 · The tiny heavyweight black hole is in the center of a dwarf disk galaxy, called RGG 118, located about 340 million light years from Earth, and was originally discovered …