The RGG motif proteins: Interactions, functions, and regulations
RGG motif proteins play vital roles in the translation process from mRNA transport to translational regulation. Functions of RGG motif proteins depend on their ability to bind to RNAs and proteins, localize to various compartments of the cell and post‐translational modifications.
Motifs rich in arginines and glycines were recognized several decades ago to play functional roles and were termed glycine-arginine-rich (GAR) domains and/or RGG boxes. We review here the evolving functions of the RGG box along with several sequence variations that we collectively term the RGG/RG motif.
Defining the RGG/RG Motif - ScienceDirect
2013年6月6日 · Motifs rich in arginines and glycines were recognized several decades ago to play functional roles and were termed glycine-arginine-rich (GAR) domains and/or RGG boxes. We review here the evolving functions of the RGG box along with several sequence variations that we collectively term the RGG/RG motif.
RGG/RG Motif Regions in RNA Binding and Phase Separation
2018年11月2日 · RGG/RG regions are disordered protein regions with multiple RGG/RG repeats. They bind RNA and DNA likely via weak multivalent interactions. RGG/RG regions undergo LLPS with or without RNA. RNA binding and LLPS are modulated by methylation of arginines in RGG/RG motifs.
RGG 基序蛋白:相互作用、功能和法规,WIREs RNA - X-MOL
通过精氨酸和甘氨酸的独特组合,结合由重复的二肽、三肽和多肽基序赋予的多样性分子识别,使 RGG 基序蛋白能够与广泛的蛋白质相互作用,从而实现多功能、特异性但适应性强的分子相互作用和核酸。
RGG/RG Motif Regions in RNA Binding and Phase …
RGG/RG motifs are RNA binding segments found in many proteins that can partition into membraneless organelles. They occur in the context of low-complexity disordered regions and often in multiple copies.
机器学习力场ML-MTPs与流程自动化 - 知乎
MTPs 力场可以高精度、快速的计算原子间相互作用(能量、力、张力),进行 分子动力学 、结构优化和 NEB 模拟; 加速的 MD 方法包括可以对罕见事件采样、研究慢速机制的 fbMC 等
ASTM D7984 使用改进的瞬态平面源(MTPS)仪器测量织物的热 …
ASTM D7984《Standard Test Method for Measurement of Thermal Effusivity of Fabrics Using a Modified Transient Plane Source (MTPS) Instrument》This test method covers the quantitative measurement of thermal effusivity of woven knitted or non-woven fabrics using a guarded modified transient plane source (MTPS) instrument.4 This test method is ...
膜运输蛋白 - 百度百科
膜运输蛋白 (membrane transport protein)也叫膜整合蛋白。 或是大的跨膜分子复合物,一种不同的运输蛋白机制。 功能是参与被动运输(促进扩散)或主动运输(运输泵)。
mtps是什么意思? - 百度知道
2024年4月3日 · MTPS是英文Memory Throughput Performance Scaling的缩写,中文意思是内存吞吐量性能缩放。 它是指内存带宽在不同工作负载下的表现。 为了提高计算机的性能,我们通常需要更快的内存,而MTPS则是一种衡量内存速度的方法。