Warrant officer (United Kingdom) - Wikipedia
In April 2004, the Royal Navy created the rate of warrant officer 2 (WO2), superior to the CPO and subordinate to existing warrant officers who were retitled as warrant officer 1 (WO1). The WO2 replaced the non-substantive appointment of charge chief petty officer (CCPO) in …
Grenadier Guards - Wikipedia
During the First World War, the Grenadier Guards was expanded from three battalions to five, of which four served on the Western Front, while later during the Second World War, six battalions were raised, and several were converted to an armoured …
The Grenadier Guards - The British Army
6 Battalions of the Regiment fought in Northwest Europe, North Africa and Italy. The Regiment has taken part in every major campaign since the 2nd World War (with the exception of the Falklands Campaign) including Malaya, Northern Ireland, Kuwait, Iraq and Afghanistan.
Grenadier Guards - The Guards - The Household Division - Official …
Providing excellence, symmetry and precision whilst carrying out ceremonial duties in London and at Windsor Castle, our scarlet tunics and bearskins are recognised across the world. The history of the Grenadier Guards stretches back over 360 years since 1656 when a Royal Regiment of Guards was formed by King Charles II at Bruges in Flanders.
Coldstream Guards - Wikipedia
In 1760, the 2nd Battalion was sent to Germany to campaign under Prince Ferdinand of Brunswick and fought in the Battle of Wilhelmstal and at the Castle of Amöneburg. Three Guards companies of 307 men under Coldstream commander Colonel Edward Mathew fought in the American Revolutionary War. [7]
The Grenadier Guards - National Army Museum
After Wentworth’s death in 1665, these two units were merged to form the 1st Regiment of Foot Guards. Russell’s regiment became the 1st Battalion and Wentworth’s the 2nd Battalion. Although the Coldstreams Guards is the older regiment (formed in 1650), the Grenadier Guards was first to enter the service of the Crown.
Regimental Headquarters - Grenadier Guards
On behalf of The Regimental Lieutenant Colonel, Major General James Bowder OBE, the day-to-day management of Regimental Headquarters is the responsibility of Major (Retired) James Gatehouse. He is assisted by Captain Charles Craven and WOII (RQMS) Chris Friess.
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Правила | Solo RGG
Solo RGG - это личный челлендж, цель которого пройти 10 рандомных игр с различных игровых платформ. Количество необходимых к прохождению игр может увеличиваться или уменьшаться в процессе выполнения челленджа. Выполнение правил челленджа лежит на совести игрока.