RHA Dacamp L1 Review - Headfonics.com
2017年6月4日 · The Dacamp L1 is an impressive first effort from RHA. Tonally it hits all the right notes and for an ESS chip, it is very well-tuned delivering an impactful yet linear and clean presentation that makes it flexible to pair with most IEMs and headphones.
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RHA Dacamp L1: Portable Headphone Amp & DAC for Tunable …
2017年2月2日 · The Dacamp L1 retrieves and processes digital audio signals from mobile and desktop devices, recovering subtleties, imaging, details and depth lost as a result of inferior sound processing components; producing quality as close to the original recording as possible.
RHA Dacamp L1 review: portable statement - Soundphile Review
2018年1月31日 · The RHA Dacamp L1 is the company’s first foray in the amplifier and DAC market – and what a result they achieved! The Dacamp L1 offers everything one would want in a portable device, from a wide range of connections to good power output, from a solid construction to the embedded equaliser, to the ability to serve as a complete source (DAC ...
RHA Audio DACAMP L1 portable high-res DAC and headphone …
2017年7月19日 · But interestingly, the RHA product we will review here isn’t an earphone; instead, it’s an ambitious, portable high resolution DAC and balanced output headphone amplifier called the DACAMP L1, priced at £399.95.
RHA Dacamp L1 | Headphone Reviews and Discussion - Head-Fi.org
2016年8月25日 · The Dacamp L1 is a fully balanced headphone amplifier and DAC with dedicated channel processors. RHA’s first product in the category, the Dacamp L1 uses an ES9018K2M DAC chip and class AB amplifier for each stereo channel; a configuration which enables the processing of the highest quality digital audio files …
艾域初步評測:RHA DACAMP L1 便攜解碼耳擴/CL1 耳機
2016年9月19日 · 英國耳機品牌 RHA,在月初舉行的 IFA 展覽中展示了旗下首款便攜解碼耳擴 DACAMP L1,以及同樣屬處子作的可換線旗艦級入耳式耳機 CL1。 該兩款將在 10 月抵港的新產品,早前就由該品牌的業務經理 Morven MacKinnon 帶來試作樣版與本地傳媒見面,初步試玩依然貫徹該品牌產品理想的握持質感,當中 DACAMP L1 更屬功能強橫之作,相信可在 Head-Fi 市場上為這個沉寂一時的產品帶來新衝擊。 作為該品牌首款便攜解碼耳擴,RHA 在 DACAMP L1 上 …
RHA DACAMP L1: flexible like a yogi [with the right headphones]
2017年3月2日 · Pros: Good tonality, 12 steps of treble and bass adjustment, lovely volume knob, good pairing with RHA CL1 and CL750, power output good for all IEMs, excellent format compatibility, fantastic sound when fed by a DAP.
RHA Dacamp L1 DAC Review | AVForums
2018年2月18日 · The RHA Dacamp L1 is a portable DAC and headphone amplifier – a sub category of digital decoding that has become rather popular of late.
Review: RHA DacAmp L1 - Energy - Headfonia
2017年1月24日 · The DacAmp L1 is a portable headphone amplifier and DAC with dedicated processing circuits for each audio channel. It retrieves digital audio signals from smartphones, laptops, tablets and desktops and uses premium DAC components to decode, convert and produce high-resolution, true-to-life analogue audio.
Review: RHA Dacamp L1 Portable DAC/Amp - iLounge
2021年5月14日 · Today we make the introduction with one of RHA’s most interesting products — the Dacamp L1. Though it may strain the definition of “portable,” it’s one of the most versatile and feature-packed portable DAC/amps we’ve yet seen. At 233 grams and about the size of a bar of soap, the Dacamp L1 is a hefty piece of hardware.