RhoV2 criteria for Line Sizing - Eng-Tips
2006年4月24日 · Dear members, Has anyone heard of or use the criteria RhoV2 (fluid density multiplied by fluid velocity squared- has SI unit of kg/m2s ) for line sizing of gas or …
What should be a simple Pressure equation question 2 - Eng-Tips
2009年1月9日 · In one equation, rho is the mass density and in the other equation, rho is the weight density. Pressure is calculated with the equation of P = rho*g*h, where rho is the mass …
Rho V^2 in heat exchanger 2 - Eng-Tips
2001年8月15日 · Rho*v^2 works to be a pressure unit in psi, pounds per square foot (as per the 1,500, 500, and 4,000 maximum values per the standard posted by Shmulik above) or …
RhoV2 - Chemical plant design & operations | Eng-Tips
2003年9月12日 · Rearranging it, we get v2 = K/rho or v = K^0.5/rho^0.5 API 14E for the erosional velocity is v = C/rho^0.5 Therefore, the rhov2 constraint is simply the same as the API 14E …
units - DASSAULT: ABAQUS FEA Solver | Eng-Tips
2004年4月29日 · F = m*a = rho*v*a = (T/mm^3)*(mm^3)*(m/s^2) = Tm/s^2 = Newton*1000 = kN If you use both Tonnes and mm/s^2 with mm dimensions, those units would be a real pain to …
RhoV2 criteria for Flare system - Eng-Tips
2010年2月1日 · Rhov2 is a design limit for offshore flare systems in NORSOK P-001 But why is Rhov2 used? NORSOK P-001 has the limit Rhov2 < 200000 kg/m/s2 What will physically …
Separator Vessel Nozzle Velocity and Momentum - Eng-Tips
2003年7月14日 · One company internal guideline for separator inlet nozzle rho v2 suggests,-No inlet device rho-v2 <1000 kg/ms²-Pipe inlet device rho-v2 <1500 kg/ms²-Vane type inlet device …
Flow and Loss Coefficients - Valve engineering | Eng-Tips
2003年7月31日 · Cd = Cv*sqrt(rho/2)/F/A If using gpm and psi, then F = 30561. If SI units are used, for which P is in Pa, flow rate is m^3/s and Cv is (m^3/s)/sqrt(Pa), the conversion factor …
motor size calculation from pump required power 1 - Eng-Tips
2001年7月11日 · (H*Sg) = dp/rho * rho/rho_standard = dp/rho_standard does not depend on density. (I "depends on" is a relative term - determined by what info you start …
Heat transfer times for aluminum 1 - Eng-Tips
2004年1月27日 · I suppose that your goal is to determine the thermal transient inside the stack, in order to insure that all the aluminum plates reached a determined temperature and perhaps …