Rhoa Kwi - Wookieepedia | Fandom
Rhoa Kwi were a species of large, fearsome predators from Dathomir that often traveled in packs. They were bipedal reptiles with bulky square heads. Beady eyes were set in the sides of their head, and sharp biting teeth jutted from their lower jaw. They had greenish yellow hides.
SWGC Creature Detail - Rhoa Kwi - swgcreatures.info
Just tamed one of these babies on Dathomir. Post CU is now a CL65 when grown with 5969 Health and 100-399 damage with To Hit of 155. Saw an adult Rhoa Kwi Guardian in the same area but no babies of that type.
Kwi | Wookieepedia | Fandom
The Kwi were the degenerated descendants of the saurian Kwa—Dathomir's first sentient inhabitants. The Kwi were large, bipedal lizards with powerful hind legs and tiny forelimbs. They had light blue flesh[1] covered in cobalt-blue scales.[2]
SWGC Creature Detail - Rhoa Kwi Pack Leader
It took me a while- nearly a week- to find one after my first aggro'd 5 times and vanished. They are very worth it, though - a significant improvement over the guardian. Original entry for this creature has dissapeared. Reentered data. I was able to tame one while I was going back and forth between Science outpost and village.
SWGC Creature Detail - Rhoa Kwi Guardian
Pack leaders are the rare deal:P. These babies are rare but a hunting partner of mine tamed one while we were on Dathomir right after the last patch.
SWGC rhoa kwi guardian - Creature Detail - SWGEmu
Tamed one of these on 03/24/04 on Chilastra about 3,000 meters West of the Science Outpost. Found 3 lairs close to each other, cleared them and came away with a Guardian and a Pack Leader.
SWGC rhoa kwi - Creature Detail - SWGEmu
Additional Information: HAM: 9705: Eff vs Energy:: 12940: Eff vs Kinetic:: 12940: Ranged Attack: Yes: Social: Yes
Rhoa Kwi | WildloughRhulain's Characters Wiki | Fandom
Rhoa Kwi were a species of large, fearsome predators from Dathomir that often traveled in packs. They were bipedal reptiles with bulky square heads. Beady eyes were set in the sides of their head, and sharp biting teeth jutted from their lower jaw. They had greenish yellow hides. When provoked they would spit a poisonous substance.
SWGC rhoa kwi hunter - Creature Detail - swgemu.com
The #1 online creature database for Star Wars Galaxies
Kwi | Jedipedia | Fandom
Die Kwi, auch als Rhoa-Kwi bekannt, sind eine auf dem Planeten Dathomir lebende Spezies. Sie gelten als die degenerierten Nachkommen der ausgestorbenen Kwa. Allerdings leben die am Rande von Teergruben jagenden Kwi weitaus primitiver als ihre Vorfahren, die noch über großes technologisches…