Rhyxali - Forgotten Realms Wiki
Rhyxali, called the Queen of Shadow Demons and the Demon Princess of Shadow, was a demon lord who claimed to rule over the shadow demons. She was also associated with secrets.[1][2] Rhyxali was normally an incorporeal form, but her true form, which few saw and lived to …
Rhyxali - Great Library of Greyhawk
Rhyxali is a demon lord. She claims rulership over the shadow demons, and is related to the demon prince Graz'zt, who she frequently visits. Rhyxali appears as a dark-skinned woman with six-fingers. This lends credence to her relationship …
【DND】诸神之敌-上古三邪兽和深渊三巨头 - 知乎
混沌魔犬柯兹夫,又称天堂劫掠者 (Ravager of the Heavens),专门吞吃诸神信徒的灵魂(祈并者)。 被它吞噬的灵魂会被彻底的毁灭,即使神力也无法挽救这些灵魂。 柯兹夫曾被费伦的高等神议会用计锁在了喧癫空隧长达数个世纪。 代价是正义之神提尔的右手被柯兹夫咬断 (没错,就是那个残废神^^)。 后来在圣者系列小说里希瑞克把它放了出来,之后又被阴谋之神麦斯克封印。 结果又被放出来,到处追杀麦斯克,还咬断了麦斯克一条腿。 Ityak-Ortheel有个笑话:精灵和兽人 …
Rhyxali - WikiProject Dungeons & Dragons Wiki
In the Dungeons & Dragons fantasy roleplaying game, Rhyxali is a demon lord. She claims rulership over the shadow demons, and may be related to the demon prince Graz'zt. Rhyxali first appeared in the web enhancement for the game's third edition supplement Book of …
Rhyxali - GameLore Wiki
Rhyxali is a female demon lord who rules the shadow demons. Unlike such princes as Demogorgon, Orcus, and Graz'zt, she maintains a low profile. Her servants run a brisk trade in both souls and information as they flit amid the infinite Abyss. She controls an entire layer, the home of the shadow...
Rhyxali (5e Creature) - D&D Wiki
Rhyxali is a female demon lord who rules the shadow demons. Unlike such princes as Demogorgon, Orcus, and Graz'zt, she maintains a low profile. Her servants run a brisk trade in both souls and information as they flit amid the infinite Abyss.
Rhyxali - The Wiki of the Succubi - SuccuWiki
Rhyxali is a demon lord who claims rulership over the shadow demons, and may be related to the demon prince Graz'zt in the Dungeons and Dragons role playing game,
万恶之书:瑞克司萨丽,阴影恶魔女王(RHYXALI,THE DEMON …
瑞克司萨丽,阴影恶魔女王(rhyxali,the demon princess of shadow) 大型 异界生物(混乱,邪恶) hd:36d8+252(414hp) 先攻:+15 速度:40尺 ac:40(-1体型,+11敏捷,+6洞悉,+14天生),碰触26,措手不及29 攻击:+5长剑+44/+39/+34/+29近战和+5长剑+44近战
无限层面之无底深渊Infinite Layers of the Abyss | 龙与地下城 Wiki
瑞克司萨丽Rhyxali: N: 影魔女王Queen of shadow demons 52: 大漩涡Vorganund: 无 53: 噬菌体温床Phage Breeding Grounds: 乌拉-纳斯Urae-Naas: N: 史拉蟾领主,拉曼诺斯的配偶 57: 拷虐真境Torturous Truth: 阿尔瓦雷斯Alvarez: N: 净化公爵the Purging Duke 65: 蛛后王廷Court of the Spider Queen: 罗丝Lolth: L ...
Rhyxali - Greyhawk Wiki
Rhyxali is the sister of Graz'zt, and therefore the aunt of Iuz, Arzial, Athux, Belyara, Thraxxia, and Rule-of-Three. As the daughter of Pale Night, she is also a sister of Lupercio, Vucarik, and Zivorgian. Not much is known about Rhyxali except that she rules the abyssal layer known as …