Commencement | Rice University
Rice University Commencement / > / May 9-10, 2025. Friday, May 9, 2025. Jones School (MBA) Commencement Ceremony 2 p.m. Tudor Fieldhouse ... Bachelor of Architecture, as well as Jones School MAcc and MA degree recipients) 2 p.m. Tudor Fieldhouse Undergraduate Commencement Ceremony 7 p.m. Rice Stadium. Academic Regalia News …
Graduation | Office of the Registrar | Rice University
Graduation is the culmination of a degree-seeking student's career at Rice University. Information regarding how to prepare during your final year for this important event can be found on the Preparing for Graduation page, while information regarding the fall and spring Commencement Ceremonies is available via the Rice Commencement page.
May Commencement - Rice University
2024年5月3日 · Commencement related activities in May 2025 will be scheduled on Friday, May 9-Saturday, May 10. Please stay tuned for finalized May 2025 Commencement Ceremony times. Updates will be posted as they become available. Students are eligible to cross the stage only once, either in December or May.
Tours |Facilities - Rice University
These tours are offered once a month to Rice students, faculty, and staff. Steam tunnel tours: Tour participants will have the opportunity to visit the steam tunnels below the university. These tours are offered upon request and are limited to groups of 15 people at a time.
Undergraduate Commencement Ceremony | Commencement | Rice University
Helpful details for your visit to Rice Stadium are available below. Rice Stadium Entry. There will be a bag-check at each of the entrances to Rice Stadium for the Undergraduate Commencement Ceremony. Guests are permitted to bring small or clear bags only. Prohibited items include: Weapons of any kind; Unauthorized banners, signs or flags
Graduation - Rice University
With Rice’s growth in enrollment, increasing numbers of graduate and undergraduate students are finishing their degrees at different times during the year. For August and December graduates, who are unable or do not wish to return for the May convocation ceremony, Rice will now holds a single, combined December convocation ceremony for all ...
Tudor Fieldhouse Ceremonies | Commencement | Rice University
Helpful details for your visit to Tudor Fieldhouse are available below. There will be a bag-check at each of the entrances to Tudor Fieldhouse. Ceremony participants and guests are permitted to bring small or clear bags only. Prohibited items include: Restrooms are open throughout Tudor Fieldhouse. First aid triage is located in the lobby.
GRADUATION: December Commencement Ceremony (for ... - events.rice…
2025年2月23日 · Rice University Events. Academic Calendar Events. Manage Events. Quick Links Academic Calendar. Home Thesis Defense Public Submission BACK TO TOP. 6100 Main St., Houston, TX 77005-1827 | Mailing Address: P.O. Box 1892, Houston, TX 77251-1892 | …
Planning Your Visit to Campus | Commencement | Rice University
No tickets will be issued for Rice University Commencement Ceremonies. There are no seating capacity limitations and all seating is on a first-come, first-served basis. Getting to Campus
Classnotes: Tunnels, a Python and a Pergola - Rice University
Rice buildings were connected by utility tunnels, which we used to steal cardboard boxes of ice cream from the dining room freezer. The tunnels also accessed faculty offices in which students found discarded exam question papers. … A scheme to …