Richard Prince - Wikipedia
Richard Prince (born August 6, 1949) is an American painter and photographer. In the mid-1970s, Prince made drawings and painterly collages that he has since disowned. [1]
2017年8月9日 · 艺术家理查德·普林斯(Richard Prince)以“盗用”闻名,被染指这个名号对于艺术家无疑是致命的一击,但理查德似乎对此并不感到担忧。 他的很多作品是对别人拍摄照片或绘画的再加工,然后署上自己的名字,像是一个赤裸裸的宣告:嘿,我征用了你的作品!
Richard Prince - Gagosian
Mining images from mass media, advertising and entertainment since the late 1970s, Richard Prince has redefined the concepts of authorship, ownership, and aura. Applying his understanding of the complex transactions of representation to the making of art, he evolved a unique signature filled with echoes of other signatures yet that is ...
RICH PRINCE, Assistant Editor
Today I live in Burbank and work as an assistant editor.
Richard Prince - Artnet
Richard Prince is an American artist best known for his use of appropriated imagery. View Richard Prince’s 2,505 artworks on artnet. Find an in-depth biography, exhibitions, original artworks for sale, the latest news, and sold auction prices.
Rich.prince_ (@rich.prince_) | TikTok
Rich.prince_ (@rich.prince_) on TikTok | 3950 Likes. 273 Followers. Instagram:rich.prince_.Watch the latest video from Rich.prince_ (@rich.prince_).
北京将迎来 Richard Prince 特展,回顾挪用艺术经典之作 - 知乎
颇具争议性的美国艺术家 Richard Prince 是除旧革新的代表人物,也是是挪用艺术的先驱者。 他深受20世纪50年代起大众媒体(电视、电影、杂志)全面兴起的时代背景影响,其作品运用独特的手法对美国流行文化的象征和宣传机制进行重新解构。 1977年,他开始对广告图片进行重新拍摄和挪用。 他将广告中的文本和品牌标志剪切出来,给照片再上框,并营造出模糊的效果和浓郁的色彩。 他的作品主要以系列的形式出现,主角大多是 模特、牛仔和机车女郎。 其中最著名的系列 …
Richard Prince Art, Bio, Ideas | TheArtStory
One of the most infamous appropriation artists, Richard Prince has employed a number of strategies to question the authorship and ownership of artistic imagery. By rephotographing, copying, scanning, and manipulating the work of others, he has crafted a technique of appropriation and provocation.
Richard Prince – The Cultural Provocateur - artincontext.org
2024年5月14日 · Richard Prince is a contemporary American artist known for his provocative and innovative work in appropriation art. Born in 1949 in the Panama Canal Zone, Prince rose to prominence in the 1980s with his rephotography series, where he appropriated and recontextualized images from popular culture, challenging notions of authorship and originality.
Prince Rich 100's Cigaretter - Willys
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