GXR / Digital Cameras - RICOH IMAGING
The GXR interchangeable unit camera system featuring the world's smallest and lightest digital camera with the ability to change lenses.
Ricoh GXR - Wikipedia
The Ricoh GXR is a compact digital camera first announced by Ricoh Company, Ltd, Tokyo on November 10, 2009. [1] Unlike conventional cameras which either have a fixed lens and sensor or interchangeable lens and a fixed sensor, the GXR takes interchangeable units, each housing a lens, sensor and image processing engine , sometimes called a ...
スライド&チェンジするたび、表現世界は拡大する。 コンパクトで多才な、ユニット交換式カメラシステム「GXR」。
Ricoh GXR/A12 50mm Review - Digital Photography Review
2010年3月2日 · Ricoh GXR: Key features. Unique flat sliding lens mount; Interchangeable sealed lens/sensor units; Compact Magnesium Alloy die-cast body with 'GR coating' Extensive customization options and external controls; 3.0" 920,000 pixel LCD; Built-in flash and accessory shoe; Optional electronic viewfinder; HDMI connector
Ricoh GXR – the whacky mirrorless camera with ... - Digital …
3 天之前 · The Ricoh GRX today. Ricoh GXR with the A16 module with its 24-85mm zoom (Image credit: Future) However, none of this history prevents the Ricoh GXR being a really interesting proposition today, not just because the concept still has merit, but because it actually works well as a compact interchangeable lens camera system. If you accept that ...
Ricoh GXR Review - By Alex Hakimi - 35mmc
2018年1月21日 · The Ricoh GXR M-mount module really showcases the potential of a modular interchangeable sensor camera. It features a 12.3 MP APS-C CMOS sensor with no low-pass (anti-aliasing) filter and a microlens layout tailored specifically to Leica M lenses.
打破沉默‧顛覆傳統【RICOH GXR】雙鏡完整評測 - Mobile01
2010年1月12日 · 然而就在30年後的今時今日,RICOH集自家大成,將GR系列流暢的操控性與GX系列的優異變焦畫質合二為一,並融入傳統XR單眼相機可交換鏡頭的特性,打造出一台不但可交換鏡頭,連內置的感光元件也可同時更換的跨世代產物,『GXR』就此誕生。 其實去年的乳摸消息一傳開之後,不少玩家連同筆者在內都曾抱持著懷疑的態度在觀望,沒想到隔沒多久就由日本理光的官方網站證實了GXR確定發表的消息,且預計同時發表兩款鏡頭模組,分別為S10:採 …
The product page for the compact digital cameras “RICOH GR III” and “RICOH GR IIIx”. Introducing the features, specification, and accessories for the two GR models with different focal lengths that combine a compact body with greater performance in …
最强可换镜头相机 超高画质理光GXR评测_理光 GXR_数码影像评测 …
2010年1月15日 · 理光GXR可互换镜头成像组件 数码相机 系统是全世界最小巧最轻便的数码相机,非常便于携带,它拥有高硬度的镁合金机身以及多个可以根据不同拍摄场景进行更换的镜头成像组件。 通过上面的图片大家可以看到组件更换的大致过程。 图为:理光GXR. 本次到达ZOL评测室的GXR相机系统包含两个组件,它们分别是 GR LENS A12 50mm/F2.5 MACRO镜头,搭配1230万像素、23.6mm×15.7mmCMOS传感器和GR ENGINE III图像处理引擎组件; RICOH LENS …
GXR / Digital Cameras - RICOH IMAGING
RICOH LENS P10 28-300 mm F3.5-5.6 VC - Major Specifications; RICOH LENS P10 28-300 mm F3.5-5.6 VC SD Memory Card Storage Capacity (Number of Images and Time) GR LENS A12 28 mm F2.5 - Major Specifications; GXR MOUNT A12 - Major Specifications; RICOH LENS A16 24-85mm F3.5-5.5 - Major Specifications