Ricoh GXR/A12 50mm Review - Digital Photography Review
2010年3月2日 · This review covers the GXR with the A12 50mm equiv f2.5 (12MP APS-C sensor) module, the next will cover the GXR/S10 24-70mm equiv (10Mp 1/1.7" sensor) combo. The first half of both reviews is the same, covering the GXR camera body and system.
DNGファイル形式はRAW 画像ファイル形式の1つで、アドビシステムズ社が提唱する標準ファイル形式です。 ※3 枚数はあくまでも目安です。 長時間ご使用になる場合は、予備電池の携 …
老鏡救星! Ricoh Mount A12 使用心得分享 - DIGIPHOTO
2011年11月24日 · 除了已停產的Epson R-D1, Ricoh GXR加上推出不久的「Mount A12」模組是唯一不必使用轉接環,直接接上M mount鏡頭的「非Leica」數位相機。 以下筆者就以Ricoh GXR + Mount A12搭配Leica 35mm Summilux與50mm Summilux實拍,與大夥分享這段期間的試用心得。
【評測】M mount 無反:Ricoh GXR Mount A12 實拍一手試
幸好利用先天的靈活優勢,廠方即時可作出「變陣」,推出了 GXR Mount A12,模組除了採用原生的 Leica M Mount 接環,亦配備一片 APS-C 尺寸的 1230 萬像 CMOS,以 HK$ 6,000 的定價,售價可說比起貴族級的 Leica 平易近人得多。 對應 Leica M 接環、APS-C 1230 萬像 CMOS:Ricoh GXR Mount...
Ricoh A12 50mm f/2.5 Macro GR Lens with APS-C 12.3 MP …
The Ricoh A12 50mm f/2.5 Macro GR lens uses a 23.6 x 15.7mm (APS-C size) CMOS sensor with approximately 12.3 megapixels. In combination with image processing engine GR ENGINE III, it achieves high-image-quality photography with …
- 评论数: 6
GXR / Digital Cameras - RICOH IMAGING
Based on the design concept of making the best use of the special characteristics of film-era lens, GR MOUNT A12 makes it possible to draw out all of the sharp imaging power of both classic lenses and the CMOS sensor. Correction/compensation can be finely tuned to …
Ricoh GXR GR Lens A12 28mm F2.5: Digital Photography Review
The Ricoh GXR/A12 28mm F2.5 Macro combines a 12MP APS-C sensor with a 28mm prime lens. The module offers a good image quality and together with the GXR body great build quality and handling. It is a compact alternative to a DSLR if 28mm is your focal length of choice and you can live with the sometimes a little sluggish contrast detect AF.
- 评论数: 1
Ricoh GXR A12 28mm Review - Photography Blog
2010年12月17日 · The Ricoh A12 28mm is the fourth lens-sensor module for the revolutionary Ricoh GXR camera system, which combines the lens and sensor into a single interchangeable unit. The new A12 28mm unit combines a 28mm f/2.5 lens with a 6-group, 9-element configuration and a 12.3 megapixel APS-C CMOS image sensor.
强悍“心”移植 理光GXR+A12/S10模块评测 - fengniao.com
目前,GXR提供两个可选择的模块:一个是具有1230万像素的APS-C画幅CMOS,带50mm/2.5微距镜头,编号为A12的模块;另一个是具有1040万像素,芯片为1/1.7英寸,带24-72mm F2.5-4.4VC镜头的模块,编号为S10。 GXR+50/2.5微的状态,右图是微距功能下内镜筒的伸出状态. 其中,50/2.5微的镜头体积比较大,装载在GXR机身上时,虽然不重但是不太容易被放入口袋之中。 尤其是使用微距功能拍摄时,镜头还会伸出更长的距离,看上去也很可观。 左图,在24mm端 …
The Ricoh GXR A12 “M” Mount Module Review by Ashwin Rao
2011年9月28日 · All of that being said, Ricoh recently piqued the curiosity of many Leica M shooters by announcing a new A12 module with a native M mount and a 1.5 crop sensor capable of accepting nearly all Leica M mount lenses ever made.
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