理光Gr4什么时候发行? - 知乎
相比经过XTRANS“过滤”自带焦内柔焦效果的富士版40MP来讲,理光的马赛克版配合锐利的镜头表现更值得期待。 至于发布时间,可以梳理一下历代GR的时间线。 稳定的间隔差不多是三年发 …
Why Is The Ricoh GR IV Taking So Long? Photographers Want it …
2025年2月16日 · One thing is for sure: when (and if) a GR IV lands, it will need to see some significant updates, and there are a few key areas I would like Ricoh to focus on. First up is …
理光GR4什么时候出? - 知乎
我对理光GR4的期待:①焦段改为等效35mm;②镜头依然是伸缩式的,但是我相信一定有更好的防尘方案,就是理光的人懒,没想着改进。 ③续航提升为GR3的两倍。
GR DIGITAL IV - This camera has the reflexes of a professional photographer.
Ricoh GR IV Coming on Q3- Q4 of 2025 [Rumor] « NEW CAMERA
2025年1月27日 · According to the latest rumors surfaced online, the Ricoh GR4 is likely to be announced sometime in late 2025. The information is coming out from webio [federation of …
Ricoh GR IV is rumored to arrive in early 2025
2024年11月18日 · According to Fuji Rumors, sources have confirmed that Ricoh is set to release the new GR IV. The upcoming camera will replace the highly successful GR III which is …
Ricoh GR IV in 2025?? | FUJI X WEEKLY
2024年11月6日 · A big rumor dropped this morning. Apparently, Ricoh is getting ready to release the next generation of GR cameras—a GR IV—in early 2025, and a Monochrome version of it …
理光GR IV将在2025年第一季度推出 - 无忌器材
2024年11月15日 · -新的理光GR IV将于2025年第一季度推出. - 2025年下半年理光GR IV黑白版将登场. 理光在固定镜头相机市场取得巨大成功是一件有趣的事情。 另一方面,索尼(在固定镜 …
GR DIGITAL IV / Digital Cameras / Products | RICOH IMAGING
Multi AF (Hybrid AF) / Spot AF (Hybrid AF) /Subj. Tracking/ Manual Focus / Snap / Infinity (Focus lock and AF auxiliary light available. For Multi AF and Spot AF, full-press snap and pre-AF are …
Ricoh GR IV not coming soon …and why that’s good
2024年11月13日 · Well, apparently Ricoh will not be announcing a GR IV anytime soon, according to Pentax Rumors. Additionally, the supposed GR IV Monochrome camera will likely …