Riddick is a 2013 science fiction action film written and directed by David Twohy, based on the character Richard B. Riddick by Jim and Ken Wheat. It is the third installment in The Chronicles of Riddick film series and a sequel to both Pitch Black (2000) and The Chronicles of Riddick (2004).
The Chronicles of Riddick is an American science fiction - horror [1] and action media franchise created by brothers Ken and Jim Wheat and later continued by writer-director David Twohy. It follows the adventures of antihero character Riddick (either portrayed or voiced by Vin Diesel) in the 28th century.
2024年8月5日 · The Riddick movies may not have been critically acclaimed, but they gained a loyal fanbase and became cult classics in their own right. Each Riddick movie has its own strengths and builds a compelling world within the story's universe.
Riddick: Directed by David Twohy. With Vin Diesel, Jordi Mollà, Matt Nable, Katee Sackhoff. Left for dead on a sun-scorched planet, Riddick finds himself up against an alien race of predators.
The wanted criminal Richard Bruno Riddick arrives on a planet called Helion Prime and finds himself up against an invading empire called the Necromongers, an army that plans to convert or kill all humans in the universe.
Richard B. Riddick, commonly known as Riddick, is a fictional character and the protagonist of the Chronicles of Riddick series. This series includes the animated short film Dark Fury and the video games Escape from Butcher Bay and Assault on Dark Athena .
Riddick is the third live-action film in the Chronicles of Riddick franchise which brought the titualr character Riddick back to the silver screen after nine years. Riddick was released September 6, 2013 and was successful bringing in $98 million on a $40 million budget.