Rijk Gans - the University of Groningen research portal
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Rijk Gans - de research portal van de Rijksuniversiteit Groningen
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Rijk Gans's research works | University of Groningen, Groningen …
Rijk Gans's 10 research works with 66 citations and 660 reads, including: Which Attributes of Credibility Matter for Quality Improvement Projects in Hospital Care—A Multiple Case...
Rijk Gans - Curaçao Medical Center - LinkedIn
Bekijk het profiel van Rijk Gans op LinkedIn, een professionele community van 1 miljard leden. Experienced professional with a demonstrated history of working in the hospital & health… ·...
- 位置: Curaçao Medical Center
Physiological approach to assessment of acid-base disturbances
2014年10月9日 · Kenrick Berend, Aiko P J de Vries, Rijk O B Gans. PMID: 25295502 DOI: 10.1056/NEJMra1003327 No abstract available. Publication types Review MeSH terms Acid-Base Imbalance / diagnosis* Acid-Base Imbalance / etiology ...
Rijk O. B. Gans's research works | University of Groningen, …
Rijk O. B. Gans's 3 research works with 64 citations and 255 reads, including: Use of [11C]choline PET/CT for visualization of four hyperactive parathyroid glands in a patient with...
Reinold (Rijk) O.B. Gans – ECIM 2024 | European Congress of …
Reinold (Rijk) O.B. Gans, MD, PhD. Rijk Gans studied Medicine at the University of Utrecht, The Netherlands. After graduation he completed is training in internal medicine at the Free University Hospital, Amsterdam. He wrote his thesis about insulin and blood pressure regulation.
Collaboration - GPRI
Prof. Dr. Rijk Gans is internist, Professor and Chairmen of medicine at the University Medical Center Groningen (UMCG). He is member of the committee Evaluation Efficiency Studies at ZonMW and member of the Scientific Advisory Board at Zorginstituut Nederland.
Which Attributes of Credibility Matter for Quality Improvement
2022年12月6日 · Lisanne Hut-Mossel 1 , Kees Ahaus 2 , Gera Welker 3 , Rijk Gans 1 Affiliations 1 Department of Internal Medicine, University Medical Centre Groningen, University of Groningen, 9700 RB Groningen, The Netherlands.
Internist Rijk Gans ontvangt Gold Badge of Honour van de UEMS
2024年11月14日 · Internist Rijk Gans heeft de Gold Badge of Honour van de UEMS ontvangen. Dit eerbetoon is een erkenning van zijn inzet voor de interne geneeskunde in Europa, waarbij hij zowel Nederland als de rest van Europa heeft vertegenwoordigd.
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