ココロ (Kokoro) | Vocaloid Wiki | Fandom
2008年3月2日 · "Kokoro" is a song featuring Kagamine Rin by Toraboruta-P. The song tells a story about a robot (Rin) made by a lonely scientist, but is missing a program unable to be made: a heart. Some time after her creation, her scientist …
Kokoro - Project DIVA Wiki
"Kokoro" (ココロ, "Kokoro"? lit. "Heart") is a Kagamine Rin song written and composed by Toraboruta. "Kokoro" first appeared in Hatsune Miku: Project DIVA 2nd where it was unlocked after clearing "Romeo and Cinderella".
[Project DIVA Full] ココロ/Kokoro (Heart) - Kagamine Rin
Bringing back the classics!Music & Lyrics by Toraboruta (Travolta)Romaji & English translation:http://www.animelyrics.com/doujin/vocaloid/kokoro.htmThe Spani...
ココロ (Kokoro) | Vocaloid Lyrics Wiki | Fandom
Romaji: Kokoro English: Heart Original Upload Date: March 2, 2008 Singer: Kagamine Rin: Producer(s)
KOKORO - Vocaloid Songs Wiki
KOKORO (ココロ) is a song sung by Kagamine Rin, and created by Toraboruta-P. In Kokoro, Rin is a robot made by a lonely scientist. But she is missing something that can't be found in a program...
Kokoro (Vocaloid) Wiki | Donmai
The song tells a story about a robot (Rin) made by a lonely scientist, but is missing a program unable to be made: a Heart. Some time after her creation, her scientist passes away, leaving her alone for several hundred years.
Kagamine Rin - Kokoro - YouTube
Vocaloid Kagamine Rin sings "Kokoro".Original video from Nico Nico Douga:http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm2667535
【录屏弹幕】Kokoro【镜音铃-心】 - 哔哩哔哩
ココロ | Wiki | Vocaloid Amino
One of the scientist gets the idea of installing the Kokoro program, to which the others refused because years back, "Number 01 Rin" had the program installed into her, and went crazy and killed a scientist named Rin Kagamine.
KOKORO - Kagamine Rin - LETRAS.COM
Kagamine Rin - Kokoro (Letra y canción para escuchar) - 孤独な科学者に作られたロ / できばえを言うなら「奇跡 / だけどまだ足りないひとつだけできな /