蛋白质的肽修饰:泛素化、苏木化和NEDD化(一) - 知乎
RBR(RING-between-RING)型含有两个 RING域(RING1和RING2)和一个RING间(In-Between RING,IBR)结构域。 RING2在功能上类似于HECT域,包含一个保守的催化半胱氨酸,可接受活性泛素形成E3-Ub中间体。
图说 | 泛素连接酶的主要类型_蛋白质 - 搜狐
2020年6月4日 · 与HECT E3s类似,RBR(RING-betweenRING-RING)E3s通过两步反应催化泛素转移,其中泛素首先转移到E3上的催化半胱氨酸,然后转移到底物蛋白上。 特征结构 RBR名称源于两个 RING结构域(RING1和RING2) 的存在,这两个结构域由 RING间的结构域(in-between-RING domain,IBR) 分隔。
The ring between ring fingers (RBR) protein family - PMC
2007年8月3日 · Proteins of the ring between ring fingers (RBR)-domain family are characterized by three groups of specifically clustered (typically eight) cysteine and histidine residues. Whereas the amino-terminal ring domain (N-RING) binds two zinc ions and folds into a classical cross-brace ring finger, the carboxy-terminal ring domain (C-RING) involves ...
The unifying catalytic mechanism of the RING-between-RING E3 …
2023年1月11日 · The RING-between-RING (RBR) E3 ubiquitin ligase family in humans comprises 14 members and is defined by a two-step catalytic mechanism in which ubiquitin is first transferred from an E2...
【国自然套路之王】Cell高浓缩解读泛素连接酶 - 知乎
2016年3月24日 · RBR名称来源于两个预测的RING域(RING1和RING2),由in-between-RING域(IBR)分开。 RING1招募带泛素带电的E2和具有催化半胱氨酸结构域的RING2;然而,它不符合典型的RING E3结构,它也被称为Rcat(Required-for-catalysis,催化所需的)结构域。
The RING finger protein family in health and disease
2022年8月30日 · The RING between RING (RBR) family encompasses 14 distinct human enzymes that are defined by two RING domains (RING1 and RING2) connected via an In-Between-RING (IBR) domain. 29 Similar to...
RING-between-RING E3泛素连接酶家族的统一催化机制,Nature …
人类的 RING-between-RING (RBR) E3 泛素连接酶家族由 14 个成员组成,由两步催化机制定义,其中泛素首先从 E2 泛素结合酶转移到 RBR 活性位点,然后转移到基质。
Cell综述:三种泛素连接酶 - 生物通
2016年4月8日 · rbr e3连接酶是近年来发现的泛素连接酶,由于它对免疫系统起调节作用,成为一类新型的、相对尚未开发的药物发现靶点。 今年1月,来自斯坦福Burnham Prebys药物探索研究所的研究人员揭示出了一种独特的泛素连接酶复合物的原子结构。
RBR ligase–mediated ubiquitin transfer: a tale with many
2018年5月7日 · Substrate ubiquitination by RBR ligases is a multistep process. It starts with recognition of the E2~Ub conjugate by RING1, followed by transfer of the ubiquitin onto the catalytic cysteine in...
“Ubiquitylation: mechanism and functions“ Review series: RBR E3 …
The RING-in-between-RING (RBR) E3s are a curious family of ubiquitin E3-ligases, whose mechanism of action is unusual in several ways. Their activities are auto-inhibited, causing a requirement for activation by protein-protein interactions or posttranslational modifications.