Riot's League of Legends MMO: release date, Runeterra map, …
2024年1月3日 · Riot Games is taking the League of Legends franchise into another medium, with a massively-multiplayer online roleplaying game set in the expansive Runeterra universe now well into development....
Buy Ruined King: A League of Legends Story™ - Steam
In this immersive turn-based RPG, you will have the freedom to configure your party and control an unlikely group of League of Legends champions, explore the bustling city of Bilgewater and the mysterious Shadow Isles, and experience the Lane Initiative System.
Riot MMO: News, Release Date Estimation And More
Riot Games hasn't announced a specific release date for their new League of Legends MMO yet. In a detailed update on their progress and plans for the future, Riot revealed that "Project F" won't proceed with their previous plans, but instead undergo a promising turn in directions.
Ruined King - A League of Legends Story
In this immersive turn-based RPG, you will have the freedom to configure your party and control an unlikely group of League of Legends champions, explore the bustling city of Bilgewater and the mysterious Shadow Isles, and experience the Lane Initiative System.
真的成真了!Riot證實《英雄聯盟》世界觀MMORPG開發中並公開 …
2021年2月24日 · Riot Games 昨(24)日在官方網站正式宣布《英雄聯盟》世界觀的 MMORPG 已經在製作中,並公開招募遊戲開發人員。 20 吊了玩家胃口一年半的「Project F」,官方終於動起來了!
Download The Mageseeker: A League of Legends Story™ Demo - Steam
Developed by Digital Sun, creators of Moonlighter, The Mageseeker: A League of Legends Story™ is an action RPG that takes place in the League of Legends universe. In the kingdom of Demacia, the Mageseekers hold the power to oppress magic-using citizens in the name of public order–by inducting and indoctrinating them, locking them away, or ...
如何看待拳头发布的单机 RPG《破败王者:英雄联盟传奇》? - 知乎
而游戏本身在系统以及表现形式上以十分优秀的 RPG 作品《Battle Chasers: Nightwar》为基础进行改造,以 NS 版初期的表现来看除了读盘十分频繁,战斗效果比较简陋,操作手感有些僵硬以外没有什么太大的硬伤,游戏美术效果非常出色,技能系统完美还原《英雄联盟 ...
Riot Games releases its League of Legends RPG out of nowhere
2021年11月16日 · Riot Games announced Ruined King: A League of Legends Story years ago but we hadn’t heard anything about this turn-based RPG in quite some time — until Riot Forge decided to...
Ruined King: Gameplay Deep Dive - League of Legends
2020年12月10日 · The first indie game from Riot Forge, Ruined King: A League of Legends Story will offer players a new way to experience the League of Legends universe. As a single-player, turn-based RPG, players will be able to dive deeper into the world of Runeterra, and uncover the mysteries of Bilgewater and the Shadow Isles.
Everything we know about Riot’s new League of Legends MMO
2022年8月31日 · Riot Games has now confirmed that a League of Legends MMO is finally in the works, so here’s everything we know about the LoL RPG title so far, including raids.