Welcome to the Utah RISE Assessment Portal
Welcome to the Utah RISE Assessment Portal. This portal contains information about Utah’s RISE assessments.
Students and Families - Utah RISE
Students and Families. Access training tests to help students prepare for testing.
Training Tests - Utah RISE
Training Tests. Access training tests to help students prepare for testing.
Secure Browsers - Utah RISE
For instructions to set up Test Administrator and student workstations and to configure networks and assistive technologies, see the Quick Guide for Setting Up Your Online Testing Technology. For additional instructions for configuring student workstations, see the following document for your operating system:
Resources - Utah RISE
Looking for what a term means instead? Browse the Glossary. Refine Clear All. Your search has returned 0 results.
benchmark module, the test name, a brief description of the skills the module assesses, the number of forms available, the number of test items on each form, and the standards assessed for each module.
Improvement, Success, Empowerment (RISE) assessment items. All students will see a variety of DOK and Elements of Rigor on the RISE summative assessment.
Support Updates for the CAI macOS Desktop Secure Browser, and …
Due to a security concern, Cambium Assessment, Inc. (CAI) will no longer support version 16.0 of the macOS Secure Browser for RISE online test administration.
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