RLN-IC SAM PURPOSE: RLN-IC is a short-range air defense missile for protection of troops and important facilities, at the range up to 10 km and at the altitudes up to 8 km. RLN-IC is designed to engage aircrafts, helicopters, missiles and UAVs. It is a passive, fire-and-forget missile; it can be used with low probability of enemy
Serbia’s MTI tests RLN-IC/170 short-range surface-to-air missile
2020年5月30日 · A modified Serbian Army PASARS FM-1 fires an indigenously-developed infrared-homing RLN-IC/170 short-range surface-to-air missile on 22 May. The Military Technical Institute in Belgrade (Vojnotehnički Institut, VTI), part of the Serbian Ministry of Defence (MoD), on 22 May test-fired the indigenously-developed infrared (IR)-homing RLN-IC/170 ...
Serbia test-fires indigenous RLN-IC/170 short-range SAM - Janes
2020年5月29日 · The Military Technical Institute in Belgrade (Vojnotehnički Institut, VTI), part of the Serbian Ministry of Defence (MoD), on 22 May test-fired the indigenously-developed infrared (IR)-homing...
1. део: RLN-IC/170 развој домаће ракете земља ваздух
2025年2月16日 · U okolini Vojnog kompleksa „Pasuljanske livade” 22. maja 2020. godine izvršeno je opitno gađanje probnom raketom RLN-IC/170 sa infracrvenom glavom za samonavođenje, namenjenu za treću fazu...
Test firing of RLN-IC FM-2 missiles
The goal of today's test firing is to test the possibility of capturing the target of the preparatory and launch sequence of the missile and aerodynamic configuration, to check the RLN-IC 170 missile guidance law in realistic conditions of self-guidance by engaging an air target, and to check the functionality of newly installed missile subsystems.
Air Defence System Trial - C4 Defence
2020年5月29日 · Officials participating in the tests from the Serbian Ministry of Defence signalled that RLN-IC / 170-II missiles could be developed. It was determined that the parameters of the Vympel production K-13 (R-13) (NATO Code: AA-2 Atoll), a model of the air-to-air missiles produced under license and land-based model, changed as a result of ...
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RLN-IC предвиђена је за дејствп пп авипнима, хеликпптерима, ракетама и беспилптним летелицама. Представља пасивни „fire-and-forget“ прпјектил; мпже се кпристити уз слабу верпватнпћу пткриваоа сппственпг пплпжаја. ГСН дуалнпг мпда пмпгућава ефикасну заштиту пд пметаоа.
Izvedeno opitno gađanje raketama RLN-IC FM-2 | Ministarstvo …
Ministar odbrane Aleksandar Vulin prisustvovao je danas opitnom gađanju probnim raketama RLN-IC, koje su pripadnici Vojnotehničkog instituta izveli u rejonu Vojnog kompleksa "Pasuljanske livade". Raketa RLN-IC namenjena je za treću fazu modernizacije topa PASARS te je i današnje gađanje raketama izvedeno s modifikovanog oruđa PASARS FM-1 ...
Treća faza modernizacije: Opitno gađanje domaćim ... - Tango Six
2020年5月25日 · RLN-IC 170 je raketa malog dometa sa infracrvenom glavom za samonavođenje (ICGSN) namenjena za protivvazduhoplovnu odbranu. To je unapređena verzija RLN-IC sa savremenijom ICGSN, digitalnom elektronikom upravljanja i …
Изведено опитно гађање ракетама RLN-IC FM-2
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