Rural Health Information Hub
Tool to find out if a location is considered rural based on various definitions of rural, including definitions that are used as eligibility criteria for federal programs. The Rural Data Explorer and Chart Gallery provide access to a wide range of data on rural health issues.
Rural Health Information Hub Online Library
RHIhub's online library provides access to funding, news, events, organizations, maps, and publications addressing rural health topics.
Information Hub – The Hong Kong University of Science and …
The primary goal of the Information Hub is to promote excellence in the fields of information science and technology by facilitating education and cutting-edge research to further the...
Overview of the Rural Health Information Hub
Get the information you need to build, maintain, and improve services in your community. The RHIhub online library offers easy access to thousands of resources from organizations across the U.S. Search federal, state, and foundation funding …
Rural Health Information Hub (RHIhub) - University of North …
The Rural Health Information Hub is funded by the Federal Office of Rural Health Policy to be a national clearinghouse on rural health issues. The RHIhub provides access to information, resources, and opportunities to support healthcare and population health in rural communities.
Information Hub
Information Hub is a cloud-based, community-driven data platform for trans-disciplinary scientific research and data management.
信息枢纽 – 香港科技大学(广州) - HKUST(GZ
香港科技大学(简称港科大)自1991年创立以来,秉持锐意创新、与时并进、博大包容、坚持原创的理念, 在教育、科研和知识转移等方面均取得长足进展。 短短三十年间,港科大于全球高校排名节节上升,被公认为全球首屈一指的年轻学府.
Data Platform | Information Hub
The Information Hub Platform and Application is a two-fold service, utilising existing infrastructure and adding an easy-to-use layer for the data science pipeline. Google Cloud Platform (GCP) provides the lower level, immediate tools and services that are needed to address immediate research needs.
Sci-Hub: breaking academic paywalls since 2011
Sci-Hub website. Get free access to academic journals. Download research papers for free from ScienceDirect, IEEE, Wiley, Springer, Nature and others
Overview of Information Hub
The Information Hub (IH) is a cloud-based, community-driven, self-help data platform for trans-disciplinary scientific research. The Information Hub aims to provide a solution for ongoing research data management and integration. Projects are the primary tool and building-block for utilities on the Information Hub.