GitHub - cwilso6/RMKL
Methods that produce a classification rule based on a convex combination of candidate kernels are referred to as multiple kernel learning (MKL) methods. You can install RMKL from GitHub. If you already have a previous version of RMKL installed, you can use that to …
RMKL: The first R package for multiple kernel learning Provides R and C++ function that enable the user to conduct multiple kernel learning (MKL) and cross validation for support vector machine (SVM) models.
RMKL: Multiple Kernel Learning for Classification or Regression ...
2019年5月2日 · Provides R and C++ function that enable the user to conduct multiple kernel learning (MKL) and cross validation for support vector machine (SVM) models. Cross validation can be used to identify kernel shapes and hyperparameter combinations that can be used as candidate kernels for MKL.
RMKL package - RDocumentation
rmkl Integrating multiple heterogeneous high throughput data sources is an emerging topic of interest in cancer research. Making decisions based upon metabolomic, genomic, etc. data sources can lead to better prognosis or diagnosis than simply using clinical data alone.
web-rMKL: a web server for dimensionality reduction and sample ...
2019年7月2日 · Here we present web-rMKL, a web server that provides an integrative dimensionality reduction with subsequent clustering of samples based on data from multiple inputs. The underlying machine learning method rMKL-LPP performed best for clinical enrichment in a recent benchmark of state-of-the-art multi-view clustering algorithms.
RML provides onsite in-patient laboratory services for St. John Medical Center in Tulsa, Oklahoma as well as out-patient laboratory services for other hospitals, clinics and physician offices in the Tulsa Metropolitan area, Northeastern Oklahoma and Southeast Kansa
Multiple-kernel learning for genomic data mining and prediction
2019年8月15日 · We present an R package, RMKL, which can implement cross-validation for training SVM and support vector regression models, as well as MKL for both classification and regression problems. Our package is equipped with implementations of SimpleMKL, SEMKL, and DALMKL under two loss functions.
web-rMKL: a web server for dimensionality reduction and sample ...
2019年7月7日 · In this work, we present web-rMKL, a web server that employs a state-of-the-art algorithm for processing and clustering of multi-omic data, which is currently the only in its field. Web-rMKL emphasizes an intuitive handling of uploading data and individual parameter setting.
RMKL/DESCRIPTION at master · cran/RMKL - GitHub
:exclamation: This is a read-only mirror of the CRAN R package repository. RMKL — Multiple Kernel Learning for Classification or Regression Problems - cran/RMKL
RMKL - R Package Documentation
The RMKL package contains the following man pages: benchmark.data C.convert gramm grammpred kernels.gen prediction.Classification predict_Spicy SEMKL.classification SimpleMKL.classification SpicyMKL SVM.nfoldcv