Rehabilitation Nursing Journal - LWW
Rehabilitation Nursing Journal (RNJ) is a refereed, award-winning publication and is the official journal of the Association of Rehabilitation Nurses (ARN). The purpose of the journal is to provide rehabilitation professionals, particularly nurses, with excellent articles whose primary focus is rehabilitation nursing, including areas of ...
REAL in Nursing Journal (RNJ), Vol. 3, No.1 Yanti, ND., Betriana, F & Kartika, IR. (2020). RNJ. 3(1) : 1 - 10 6 | R N J Dua belas artikel dianalisis dengan
Development of an Instrument to Assess Stroke Caregivers
DOI: 10.1097/rnj.0000000000000204 Abstract Purpose: The study purpose was to develop a measure to assess stroke caregivers' commitment and capacity to assume the caregiving role prior to discharge.
Implementation of an Evidence-Based, Nurse-Driven Sepsis
Purpose: The aim of this study was to determine if implementing an evidence-based, nurse-driven sepsis protocol would reduce acute care transfer (ACT) readmissions from an inpatient rehabilitation facility compared to nonprotocolized or usual standard of care for adult sepsis patients undergoing physical rehabilitation.
RNJ Corner: Meet Your Continuing 2020 Editorial Board Members
2020年5月11日 · Meet the continuing 2020 members of the RNJ Editorial Board. Dr. Deborah Almauhy currently serves as the chief nursing officer at Emory Rehabilitation Hospital in Atlanta. She holds certifications as a Certified Rehabilitation Registered …
The Effects of Clinical Nursing Practice Guideline Implementation …
2023年8月11日 · Results showed that the stoma QOL in the CNPG group one month after discharge was significantly higher than before and one week after discharge. For clinical outcomes, the length of stay, postoperative length of stay, postoperative complications, ostomy complications, and 30 days re-admission between the groups were not significantly different.
Highlights from the May/June Issue of RNJ | ARN
2020年5月19日 · If you are an ARN member or a Rehabilitation Nursing Journal (RNJ) subscriber, you should soon receive your May/June 2020 issue in the mail. Check out a preview of three great articles that will be gracing the pages of this issue, or visit the journal online to read the full issue.
Conference │ 東京大学工学系研究科 スピントロニクス学術連携 …
2024年10月26日 · 本事業では、スピントロニクス学術連携研究教育センターを拠点大学(東京大学、東北大学、大阪大学、慶應大学)に設置し、主要大学、国研、関連企業をはじめとする国内有力研究機関を結ぶネットワーク拠点とする計画です。 組織間の連携により、日本の研究力、産業競争力を高め、技術革新を起こすと同時に、次世代を担う研究者や技術者を育成します。 東京大学では工学系研究科に「スピントロニクス学術連携研究教育センター」を設置し、理学系 …
RNJ Corner: Meet Your Editors and New 2020 Editorial Board …
2020年4月9日 · The Rehabilitation Nursing Journal (RNJ) contains educational content that focuses on contemporary rehabilitation nursing practice across the continuum of care and the lifespan. The journal is published every other month, and it provides opportunitie
2020). Readiness to SDL enhances nurses in decision-making, problem-solving and critical thinking skills, and ultimately improve on quality of patient care. As such, nurses are better adapting in the ever-changing clinical environment through independent learning (Shin, Choi, Storey & Lee, 2017).