WowWee Robosapien X
Robosapien X is an exciting update to WowWee's award-winning iconic humanoid robot. 14" tall and designed by a NASA scientist, he's fast moving, full functioned and comes to life using either the included controller or via iOS or Android device.
RoboSapien - Wikipedia
RoboSapien is a toy-like biomorphic robot designed by Mark Tilden and produced by WowWee toys. Released in 2004, the Robosapien is preprogrammed with moves, and also can be controlled by an infrared remote control included or by a PDA. [1]
WowWee®- Robosapien Blue
Robosapien Blue features full-function arms with two types of grippers and the ability to walk, run and turn quickly and at multiple speeds. With sixty-seven preprogrammed functions and a free, BLE enabled app, you'll be amazed at all it can do.
WowWee Robosapien V2 Full Function Humanoid Robot with …
2006年6月12日 · Robosapien V2 is a highly evolved Robotic Fusion of Technology and personality, combining fluid biomechanical motion with a multi-sensory, interactive humanoid personality. This 24" Tall second generation Robosapien is now capable of Autonomous behavior.
- 评论数: 55
Robosapien™ X - YouTube
Robosapien X™ is an exciting update to WowWee's award-winning iconic humanoid robot. 14" tall and designed by a NASA scientist, he's fast moving, full functioned and comes to life using either...
史宾机器人:重启 Robosapien: Rebooted (2013) - 豆瓣电影
2013年5月3日 · 原指望将其用作和平用途,谁知KineTech的老板内尔斯·波特(Kim Coates 饰)却试图将其打造成破坏力巨大的杀伤性武器。 极力反对的艾伦遭到解雇,他趁乱销毁电脑中的设计资料,并带着史宾逃亡。 危难之际,他命令史宾独自逃走。 不幸中弹的史宾意外结识了热爱科技和小发明的少年汉瑞(鲍比·科尔曼 Bobby Coleman 饰)。 两个调皮搞怪的小家伙见面,开启了一段令人铭记于心的友谊。 而野心勃勃的波特仍未放弃对史宾的追踪…… ©豆瓣. DV感太强了, …
Robosapien - WowWee Wiki | Fandom
Robosapien is a humanoid biomorphic robot toy released by WowWee in 2004. Robosapien is preprogrammed with several functions that are controlled using the included infrared remote controller. In addition to its bimorphic walking abilities, …
WowWee RC Minis
The RC Mini Build-Up editions of the popular Robosapien and MiP robots are perfect for junior engineers. These kits provides young DIY builders with a fun, hands-on approach to learning about robotics. The mini RC build up series features snap fit parts and screws.
Robosapien v2 - Wikipedia
The Robosapien V2 is the second generation of Mark Tilden's Robosapien robot. It is nearly twice the size of the original robot, standing around 1.85 feet (56 cm) tall. Instead of the original caveman grunts, the V2 can speak a large list of pre-recorded phrases.
WowWee Robosapien Remix - 4 Robots in 1 - with 4 Arm …
2021年10月25日 · Meet Robosapien Remix! He’s 4 robots in 1 and mixes them up for fun! Whether he’s an Excited Robot (White LED), Silly Robot (Green LED), Serious Robot (Blue LED), or Confused Robot (Orange LED), Remix keeps you entertained with 50+ sounds and reactions.
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