7520006 Electric locomotive Dm3, SJ - ROCO Modelleisenbahn
3-part electric locomotive Dm3 of the Swedish State Railway. For the first time in original design with spoked wheels. Free-standing lines and handrails. Close-coupled locomotive parts. High traction power because of two motors. Individually switchable headlight or tail light in digital mode.
73868 Electric locomotive class Dm, SJ - ROCO Modelleisenbahn
Electric locomotive class Dm of the Swedish State Railways. The model with newly designed spoked wheel is now available for the first time. The model has a high tractive power thanks to two motors. Free-standing cables and handles. Add-on model that can be perfectly combined with the ore wagons 67075 and 67076.
Roco 7520006 Electric Locomotive Dm3 SJAC AC - rocousa.com
Roco 7520006 Electric Locomotive Dm3 SJAC AC. 3-part electric locomotive Dm3 of the Swedish State Railway. Immediately following the Second World War, the need for Swedish iron ore drastically increased. For the transport of this heavy iron ore, suitable locomotives were required.
SJ ellok litt Dm - Svensk MJ-Wiki
Dm och Dm3-loken levererades i sedvanlig SJ-röd målning, men fr.o.m. 1991 har loken efter hand målats om i en blå-svart färgsättning med röd eller vit dekor. Fram till 1980-talet gick samtliga Dm-lok i trafik på malmbanan. Därefter började övertaliga dubbellok littera Dm placeras längre söderut för användning i reguljär godstrafik.
Roco 73868 / 73869 / 79869: Electric locomotive class Dm, SJ ...
Electric locomotive class Dm of the Swedish State Railways. - The model with newly designed spoked wheel is now available for the first time. - The model has a high tractive power thanks to two motors - Free-standing cables and handles - Add-on model that can be perfectly combined with the ore wagons 67075 and 67076
Dm Dubbelkopplat Ellok SJ Analogt DC H0 - ROCO H0
Electric locomotive class Dm of the Swedish State Railways. The model with newly designed spoked wheel is now available for the first time. The model has a high tractive power thanks to two motors Free-standing cables and handles
7500006 Electric locomotive Dm3, SJ - ROCO Modelleisenbahn
3-part electric locomotive Dm3 of the Swedish State Railway. Immediately following the Second World War, the need for Swedish iron ore drastically increased. For the transport of this heavy iron ore, suitable locomotives were required.
Roco 7500006 HO Electric locomotive Dm3, SJ (DC Analog)
3-part electric locomotive Dm3 of the Swedish State Railway. Immediately following the Second World War, the need for Swedish iron ore drastically increased. For the transport of this heavy iron ore, suitable locomotives were required.
7500006 Elektrolokomotive Dm3, SJ - ROCO Modelleisenbahn
3-teilige Elektrolokomotive Dm3 der Schwedischen Staatsbahn. Erstmals in Ursprungsausführung mit Speichenrädern. Freistehende Leitungen und Griffstangen. Kurzgekuppelte Lokteile. Hohe Zugkraft durch zwei Motoren. Unmittelbar nach dem Zweiten Weltkrieg nahm der Bedarf an schwedischem Eisenerz drastisch zu.
Roco SJ DM3 Electric Locomotive 7510006 HO Scale DCC Sound
3-part electric locomotive Dm3 of the Swedish State Railways. Immediately after the Second World War, the demand for Swedish iron ore increased dramatically. Suitable locomotives were needed to transport the heavy ore trains.