72878 Diesel locomotive ST44, PKP - ROCO Modelleisenbahn
Diesel locomotive ST44 of the Polish State Railways. Epoch IV. Motor with flywheel. Drive on six axles and four traction tyres. LED-lighting that change with the direction of travel. Coupler pocket according to NEM 362 standards and close coupling mechanism.
73778 Diesellokomotive ST44, PKP - ROCO Modelleisenbahn
Diesellokomotive ST44 der Polnischen Eisenbahn, Epoche VI. Ausführung im aktuellen Design der PKP-Cargo. Motor mit Schwungmasse. Antrieb auf alle sechs Achsen. Vier Haftreifen. Schnittstelle nach PluX22. LED-Spitzenbeleuchtung mit Fahrtrichtung wechselnd. Kupplungsaufnahme nach NEM 362 mit KK-Kinematik. Viele separat angesetzte Teile
71752 Diesel locomotive ST44-360, PKP - ROCO Modelleisenbahn
Diesel locomotive ST44-360 of the Polish State Railways. Current version in retro livery. With large headlamps and chrome strip bellow the driver's cab windows. Many separately applied parts. High operational safety and an excellent traction power for long trains. "The Gagarin" - The legend lives on !"
Roco Diesel locomotive ST44 - EuroTrainHobby
Buy the Roco, Diesel locomotive ST44, HO, ROCO, DIESEL LOCOMOTIVES HO, DIESEL LOCOMOTIVES IV HO, 72877 DIESEL LOCOMOTIVE ST44 for model railroad
Roco Diesel locomotive ST44 Digital with Sound - EuroTrainHobby
Version with big beams and yellow contrasting surfaces on the front of the locomotive Motor with flywheel. Drive on six axles and four traction tyres. LED-lighting that change with the direction of travel. Coupler pocket according to NEM 362 standards and close coupling mechanism. Model with digital decoder and digitally switchable sound functions as well as a buffer capacitor for an ...
Roco Diesel locomotive ST44-650 Digital wth Sound
Drive on six axles, two of them have traction tyres to increase traction power. Triple headlights (White) that change with the direction of travel. NEM 652 Interface. Coupler pocket according to NEM362 standards and close coupling mechanism. With digitally switchable sound functions.
Spalinowóz ST44-650, DCC, PKP, skala H0, ROCO 72971
Diesellokomotive Baureihe ST44 der Polnischen Staatsbahnen AG (PKP), Epoche IV - V. Ausführung mit großen Scheinwerfern; Betriebsnummer ST44-650. Modell für Gleichstrombetrieb mit eingebautem Digitaldecoder und Geräuschfunktion. NEM 652 Schnittstelle. Motor mit Schwungmasse.
72971 Diesel locomotive ST44-650, PKP - ROCO Modelleisenbahn
Diesel locomotive ST44-650 of the Polish Railways. Epoch IV - V. Version with big beams. Motor with flywheel. Drive on six axles, two of them have traction tyres to increase traction power. Triple headlights (White) that change with the direction of travel. NEM 652 Interface. Coupler pocket according to NEM362 standards and close coupling ...
Obudowa ST44-190 (141741) - swiatmodeli.com
Obudowa ST44-190 (141741) ROCO. Dostępność: Dostępny. ... Do modelu Roco 72878 - ST44-190, PKP. Nikt jeszcze nie napisał recenzji do tego produktu. Bądź pierwszy i napisz recenzję. Tylko zarejestrowani klienci mogą pisać recenzje do produktów. Jeżeli posiadasz konto w naszym sklepie zaloguj się na nie, jeżeli nie załóż ...
Portal miłośników DCC i małych kolei | Roco: lokomotywy PKP
2015年8月3日 · Lokomotywa ST44-1028, z "wiadrami", podwójną żaluzją w ścianach bocznych, pojedynczą żaluzją w dachu, z uchwytem pod oknami na ścianie czołowej, z dekoderem dźwiękowym Galeria modelu: Roco ST44-1028