Rode NT-1 vocals way too harsh - EQ tips? | HomeRecording.com
2005年4月18日 · 2) Higher voices & unusual voices don't do well with Rode - unless the voice is silky smooth, the NT1 will just accentuate any harshness that is already there. I've heard that the tube Rodes are better (NTK, particularly), but haven't verified this personally. 3) Your preamps and/or room may be an issue - The NT1 is very sensitive and quite hot.
Rode NT1-A Malfunction? - HomeRecording.com
2021年4月26日 · I just got a Rode NT1-A condenser microphone from Sweetwater. I am running through a Focusrite Scarlett 18i8 into my Macintosh via USB. I have a LOT of noise coming through which I think is the mic malfunctioning, but Sweetwater Tech Support is not convinced. I'd like your opinion. Here is a...
Rode NT1-A vs AT4040? - HomeRecording.com
2010年3月14日 · 16 x Rode NT5 (8 x Matched pairs), 6 x Rode NT1000, 5 x Rode NT2, 1 x Rode NT4 (Stereo), 2 x Rode NTG-2, 2 x Rode Classic II. Some film soundtracks, DVD's & albums out of there you might know; 'Australia' Feature Film Baz Luhrmann, 'Happy Feet' Feature Film George Miller, 'Master and Commander: The Far Side of the World' Feature Film Peter Weir ...
My Condenser MIC volume is so low, please help!
2013年7月17日 · Hello everyone, well I bought a Rode NT1-a Condenser Mic and a Presonus Audiobox 22vsl Interface. The mic is so low when the Mic Gain Level is on 12'oclock, is that normal? I have to put it on 3'oclock before I can hear myself, but then I can't make high tones, my voice will scratch. Please help! Ofc I have 48Phantom Power ON, so that's not the ...
Recording Software for Rode NT1-A | HomeRecording.com
2020年9月21日 · Hi all, I actually have a Rode NT1-A with a Focusrite Scarlett 2i2 (2nd Gen.) + Acoustic Blankets for home recording. So far I have the XLR cable connecting the mic with the Audio device which is USB connected to my laptop. I have been recording vocals using Audacity. I am looking for a better...
Rode NT1-A for amped guitar? - HomeRecording.com
2006年4月8日 · Hi all, I'm on a pretty limited budget, can afford 1 mic. I have the impression that the Rode NT1-A is a good choice for several purposes. I'd like to record vocals, acoustic guitar, but I also want to place it in fornt of my amp (mesa boogie dc …
[HELP NEEDED] Fixing Static Sound from RODE NT1-A
2017年9月26日 · Yes, the UCA 202 is really very good for its money but you need to set it up in Windows. I can do that here or you could PM me. The mixer is NOT the problem despite what some Berengerphobes might tell you (I certainly don't love 'um! But the mixer is ok) Especially since you are using the Rode mic, the noise floor will be determined by your ...
Help - noisy recordings with Rode NT1-a | HomeRecording.com
2020年3月5日 · I'm having some recording issues with my Rode NT1-a: The microphone collect a lot of unwanted sounds in the recording, mainly 'glitches' in the speech (pops etc.). I'm using Focusrite's basic mixer and recording the sound using Adobe Audition interface. I'm using a pop-shield so it does not make much sense.
Rode NT1 serial numbers? | HomeRecording.com
2005年4月20日 · It's obviously the Rode NT1, yet is not stamped like the ones you see in the photos. Its soft-leather pouch says Rode microphones. Upon closer inspection, a black ring at the base of the mic cylinder bears: "Rode NT1/ Made in Australia / Ser. No. 41693" --- the serial number is hand-scripted and required a magnifying glass for me discern it.
Rode NT1-A vs Rode NT2-A vs Baby Bottle - HomeRecording.com
2011年2月3日 · Also I have been hearing that NT1-A is up for discontinuation pretty soon. If so which of the following microphones should I be buying: Rode NT2-A ( (sold as bundled pack for $399.00 from zZounds.com) or Baby Bottle ($399.00 from Guitar Center) Or is it better for to me to buy Rode NT1-A from another website?