NT2-A | Multi-pattern Large-diaphragm Condenser Microphone
The NT2-A is a highly versatile large-diaphragm studio condenser microphone designed to offer pristine audio quality and flexibility in equal measure. Featuring a three-position pad (0dB, -5dB, -10dB), high-pass filter (flat, 40Hz, 80Hz), and polar pattern control (cardioid, omnidirectional, figure-8), it can easily adapt to any recording ...
Rode NT2-A Studio Solution Microphone, Silver, Wired, Singing
2005年12月19日 · The R˜DE NT2-A Large-Capsule Studio Condenser Microphone is a professional, one-inch condenser microphone with variable pick-up patterns, high-pass filter, and pad. 3 - 3-position switches located on the mic body provide selection of figure 8, cardioid, or omni polar pick-up patterns; from a flat response to either 80Hz or 40Hz high-pass ...
- 4.6/5(787)
Rode NT2-A Large-diaphragm Condenser Microphone - Sweetwater
The Rode NT2-A is a professional large capsule (1") condenser studio microphone with variable pick-up pattern, variable highpass filter and variable pad. These features provide greater creative control and versatility.
RODE NT2-A Large-Diaphragm Multipattern Condenser NT2A …
2018年8月28日 · Combining a true condenser capsule, three selectable polar patterns, and ultralow-noise circuitry, the Rode NT2-A large-diaphragm studio microphone offers a clear and smooth sonic signature along with versatile pickup responses, making it ideal for all sorts of voice and instrument sources at home or in the studio. Plus, its bundle of ...
RODE NT2-A 電容式麥克風 (RDNT2A) - PChome 24h購物
rode nt2-a 電容式麥克風 (rdnt2a) - 5%回饋│rode麥克風, 台灣正成公司貨 鍍金振膜的電容式麥克風 內建三種指向性,適用不同收音用途 配備80hz及40hz兩段高通濾波器 提供-5db及-10db衰減切換 極低底噪、無變壓器的smt線路設計, 找rode nt2-a 電容式麥克風 (rdnt2a)推薦就來 ...
RODE NT2-A 電容式麥克風 套裝組 | DigiLog 聲響實驗室
在此 NT2-A 組合中,內附由 Rode 精心設計,專門給 Rode 系列麥克風使用的 SM6 防震架以及一條高品質的 6 公尺 XLR 平衡線材、防噴罩、麥克風防塵套。 產品特色 HF1 1” 金屬大振膜 在機身上可控制麥克風指向,高頻濾波與削減音量 ( Pad )
RODE NT2-A Multi-Pattern Large Diaphragm Condenser …
The RODE NT2-A is a multi-pattern large diaphragm condenser mic, and a well-received update to the original NT2 model. At the heart of the NT2-A is a large capsule made in RODE's Australian factory (the same as the K2 tube mic), rather than the Chinese-made capsule in earlier models.
The NT2-A is a highly versatile large-diaphragm studio condenser microphone designed to offer pristine audio quality and flexibility in equal measure. Featuring a three-position pad (0dB, -5dB, -10dB), high-pass filter (flat, 40Hz, 80Hz), and polar …
RODE NT2-A 可調指向電容式麥克風正成公司貨 - PChome 24h購物
RODE NT2-A 可調指向電容式麥克風正成公司貨 - RODE專業麥克風, 鍍金振膜的電容式麥克風 內建三種指向性,適用不同收音用途 配備80Hz及40Hz兩段高通濾波器, 找RODE NT2-A 可調指向電容式麥克風正成公司貨推薦就來PChome 24h購物,多元支付,超值,優惠,可靠迅速,您的網路 ...
RODE 的明星 NT2-A - midifan:我们关注电脑音乐
2011年12月8日 · 全新的rode nt2-a是一款专业大舱体电容录音话筒,并带有多种指向,可调高通滤波及电平衰减功能。 3种指向开关,分别提供了8字形指向,心形指向以及全指向;并可进行平直,80Hz或40Hz的高通滤波,以及可进行0dB,-5dB或-10dB的电平衰减。