NTG4+ | Dual-powered Professional Shotgun Microphone | RØDE
The NTG4+ is a professional shotgun microphone with an expansive feature set that makes it incredibly versatile. It is super lightweight, making it ideal for use on a boom or on a camera. Its low-noise circuitry and clean, crisp sound also make it an excellent microphone for voice-over and livestreaming applications.
NTG4 | Versatile Shotgun Microphone - RØDE
The NTG4 is a professional shotgun microphone with an expansive feature set that makes it incredibly versatile. Ideal for use on a boom, on a camera or in the studio. Learn more here.
Rode NTG4+ Shotgun Microphone, Black - amazon.com
2015年2月18日 · The NTG4+ is a supremely versatile professional shotgun microphone that can be used in a wide variety of situations. Packed with features including a high-pass filter, pad and high-frequency boost, it is the perfect addition to your kit bag for any type of filmmaking.
- 4.5/5(552)
RODE NTG4+ Shotgun Microphone - B&H Photo Video
2023年7月23日 · Customize your tone and capture quality sound indoors or outside for your next indie film, TV shoot, or documentary project with the Rode NTG4+ battery- or phantom-powered shotgun microphone. Specialized features such as low-noise circuitry, digitally switchable pad and frequency settings, and minimal handling noise reduce the need to repair ...
单评 | 罗德NTG4+ 枪式指向性麦克风测评 - 网易
2017年9月21日 · 我们使用索尼RX10Ⅲ微单相机进行拍摄,用NTG4+录制下同期声,以此来测试话筒的灵敏度和音质,录完回听的时候,我们发现,沙哑的声音特性,平翘舌切换时候的瞬间,齿间音以及鼻韵母的发音都能精确捕捉下来,由此可见,话筒的灵敏度很好,通过对声音频谱 ...
Rode NTG4+ Shotgun Microphone & Rode WS6 - amazon.com
2022年1月25日 · The NTG4+ is the very first microphone to feature an in-built battery that provides 150+ hours of operation with the convenience of USB charging. Control the in-built high-pass filter, pad and high frequency boost using convenient digital switching on …
RODE NTG4+ 電容式槍型麥克風(內建電池) - 帝米數位音樂
RODE NTG4+ 是一款全新的電容式槍型麥克風,內置的鋰電池讓你可以工作超過150小時,並且可以通過 micro USB 在兩個小時內完成充電。RODE NTG4+ 專為應用在電視,電影,以及視聽產業設計。
RODE NTG4 枪式电容麦克风评测 | 高品质音频录制利器-话筒设备 …
2024年10月11日 · RODE NTG4麦克风以其超心形指向性拾音模式著称,这种模式可以有效减少来自侧面和背面的噪音干扰,使声音更加清晰。 此外,该麦克风还配备了先进的RF阻抗技术,能够在极端温度变化下保持稳定的性能表现。 无论是电影拍摄还是新闻采访,RODE NTG4都能提供卓越的声音捕捉能力。 它的便携性和轻巧设计使其成为户外活动的理想选择。 用户经常称赞其在复杂环境下的表现,即使在风噪较大的条件下也能捕捉到清晰的人声。 RODE NTG4拥有宽广的 …
Rode NTG4+ Shotgun Condenser Microphone with Rechargeable Battery
2024年12月31日 · A revised take on a time-tested shotgun mic from Rode, the NTG4+ offers you premium broadcast-ready sound and the versatility you need to use it on and off camera. One of the things about this highly directional condenser microphone that really stood out to the engineers here at Sweetwater is how quiet it is.
RODE 推出 NTG4 和 NTG4+ 枪式话筒新系列 - midifan:我们关注 …
2015年1月29日 · 在广播音频产业继续推进革新,rØde宣布了两款新的枪式话筒,ntg4和ntg4+。凭借目前成功的rØde枪式话筒系列,革新的丰富功能,ntg4和ntg4+再次将rØde设定为了爱好者和专业人士一致好评的广播话筒行业