RODE NTK Tube Replacement - HomeRecording.com
2004年10月26日 · The NTK circuit was based on the 6922 tube specifications and that’s the one we recommend for field replacement when not purchased from Rode Microphones. Obviously you know that some valves sound better than others, like the (NOS) Telefunkens.
Rode NTK Mods? - HomeRecording.com
2006年7月26日 · Since the NTK has no transformer he didn't change that on the NTK. From what I read, he says the RODE mics are pretty much "state of the art" as they come from the factory. He said he got the most change by changing the tube, however this mainly reduced some "compression" he was hearing, which you may or may not like.
Vocals: Rode NTK vs. K2 vs. Classic II | HomeRecording.com
2006年2月6日 · I have an NTK, replaced the tube and it mellowed quite a bit, a little harsh b4 now it is very smooth and a I like it a lot. I like tube mics lately and the T3(also with a tube replacement) is my goto this month but it's new and will probably nestle into …
Rode k2 or ntk???? - homerecording.com
2010年1月7日 · I have both of these Rode microphones and I love both of these microphones but I do have a favorite and it's the K2. For the very reason that PhilGood has just explained so elegantly and straight to the point. The K2 gets used much more than the Ntk.
Rode NTK power supply - HomeRecording.com
2002年1月26日 · When I got my NTK, I was concerned about using it through my Mackie 1604 while other mics were connected and using the Mackie's phantom power. So I contacted Rode and they assured me that phantom power will NOT harm the NTK's power supply. The NTK is a great mic and built like a tank! Z
AKG Solidtube vs Rode NTK... - homerecording.com
2002年10月22日 · The NTK is smoother and not as dark, but lacks the Solid Tube's bass rolloff and pad. The Solid Tube has gotten a lot of bad press, unfairly, I think, because it was rolled out at too high a price point, and got a bloody nose in honest price wars with …
Rode NTK vs. Rode NT1A - HomeRecording.com
2007年9月2日 · It is my understanding that the NTK is a tube mic that tends to be a little bright, but the NT1a is non tube -transformerless condensor that is bright to the point of almost harshness. So if those are your only 2 choices and you need something brighter than the NTK the NT1a is the choice for you.
AKG C414 XLII vs RODE K2 on vocals - HomeRecording.com
2013年6月24日 · If the vocalist isn't top 10 American Idol material, I'd go with the Rode. The subtle distortion created by the tube circuit tends act a little like airbrushing a centerfold. If the singer is great, that distortion tends to muddy up their greatness. For a Tom Petty, a Meatloaf, Gwen Stefani, etc., I'd use the Rode.
Does the rode NTK need phantom power? | HomeRecording.com
2004年11月26日 · I'm using a Rode NTK through a Focusrite VMP. I usually have someone else do the mic set-up for me so I don't have to run back and forth, to and from the vocal room while recording. Probably sounds stupid, but he's out of town and I noticed the +48V button on the VMP is switched on. Is this the...
Rode NT2a vs Rode NTK - HomeRecording.com
2009年1月13日 · I would recommend spending a few extra dollars and getting the K2, its not much more. Or if you want to break bank, churn out the $1000+ and get the Rode Classic II (I think that's what its called). Never heard a negative review on that. Basically, I've heard enough negative things about the NTK to just get the K2 instead and switch the tube out.