ASUS ROG GR8 / G20 - Look Small. Play Big. Game On
A one-stop gaming and entertainment system, the ROG G20 is set to dominate the field of small-form-factor gaming desktops. Its 12.5-liter case packs a punch, housing a 4th-generation Intel® Core™ i7 processor and a NVIDIA® GeForce® GTX780 graphics card to give you the power for HD gaming and multimedia entertainment.
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rog 世界的艺术. 科技永不休止,行动永不停歇。对于那些热衷于硬核性能的用户,rog玩家国度正等待着您的到来。在不断的创新驱动下,rog 致力于为游戏玩家及发烧友提供高品质的游戏体验。
G20AJ Gaming Performance - Republic of Gamers - ROG
2015年2月19日 · The G20AJ is ROG's small form factor system that condenses a full gaming rig into a tiny 12.5 liter custom designed chassis. The 'AJ' features up to an Nvidia GTX 980 GPU, which we're testing here, in addition to an Intel Core i7 4970 quad-core CPU, 16GB DDR3 of memory and SSD/HDD storage.
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ASUS Republic of Gamers G20 Gaming PC Review - Techgage
2015年2月9日 · Like all of ASUS’ PCs, the ROG G20 is available in a number of different specs. The PC as tested (G20AJ) retails for about $1,200, and includes Intel’s top-end mainstream processor, the Core i7-4790, and NVIDIA’s mid-range GeForce GTX 760. A model exists that includes the fast GeForce GTX 780, although it’s strictly available only for Europe.
ASUS ROG G20 Overview - Edge Up
2014年10月27日 · The G20 comes with ROG Command an advanced but easy to use system utility enabling a wide range of functionality including control of ROG lighting effects on the G20. ROG G20 special features. AEGIS monitoring utility – Integrated advanced system monitoring including CPU temperatures.
ROG 魔霸新锐(i7 10875H/16GB/512GB/RTX2060) - 中关村在线
魔霸新锐2023性价比更高,适合大学+游戏场景。 若游戏需求较高,可考虑升级至RTX4070。 rog魔霸新锐2023等于同性能的哪款笔记本? 魔霸新锐2023的性能相当高,采用了英特尔最新 …
如何评价 ROG 在 CES 2025 发布的笔记本新品,有哪些亮眼的技术 …
配置方面,ROG 枪神9 Plus超竞版搭载全新intel ARL-HX U9处理器,搭配RTX5080/5090两款旗舰级显卡,整机功耗来到了240W,并且有又64GB内存可选,不光游戏,更能满足一切专业需求。 屏幕方面,搭载16/18英寸、2.5K分辨率、240Hz高刷新率、至高1200nit亮度的Mini LED屏幕,同枪神8相比,全新的枪神9 超竞版分区背光高达超2000个+,更有全新的黑科技,ROG超视技术(ACR),环境光对比度提升数倍的同时大角度观看屏幕也没有明显的反光和色偏,抗反射、 …
ROG 幻X 2025丨笔记本电脑丨ASUS华硕 - ROG - 玩家国度 ...
探索ROG 幻X 2025 GZ302电竞笔记本,搭载Intel® Core™处理器与NVIDIA® GeForce®显卡,强大性能与流畅画面满足需求。高刷新率与极速响应,带来出色游戏体验。 ... 在兼容的情形下,20 ℃ - 45 ℃ 的上佳温度范围下,30分钟内可将电池充电至 50%。由于系统容差,充电时间 ...
Asus Republic of Gamers G20 (G20AJ-US009S) Review - PCMag
2014年10月27日 · An Intel Core i7-4790 quad-core processor and an enthusiast-level Nvidia GeForce GTX 760 graphics card provide the gaming power to the Republic of Gamers (ROG) G20. It's certainly innovative, but...