The difference between Pin Punches and Roll Pin Punches.
2012年6月12日 · A roll pin has a hole in the center, thus requiring a flat punch with a round half-ball in the center. Brass generally doesn't mar stuff, but steel doesn't bend as easy. Buy some Grace punches, you can't go wrong.
LCR Front Sight Roll Pin - Punch size? - Ruger Forum
2014年3月11日 · I need to remove the aftermarket front night sight from my wife's LCR-LM before sending the gun back to Ruger for repair. Does anyone know what size punch I need to drive out the roll pin? And for those that might ask "How'd you get it out to change the sight?" My gunsmith did the job for free in 2 minutes at the LGS where I purchased the night ...
Replacing LCR Front Sight with Hi -Viz sight - Ruger Forum
2011年7月16日 · I went to purchase a 1/16 (.062) Dia punch from my local hardware store and being me, I took a pair of dial calipers with me. I ended up measuring every single punch they had. Two different manufactures and every single 1/16 punch they had was over size. They range from .068 to .073. A .068 punch will not push a roll pin thru a .062 hole.
Best punch set for the money - Ruger Forum
2021年2月9日 · I've got the Wheeler brass set minus the hammer. They work well. I've got several light hammers so didn't go with that set. Mine get use the most for changing Contender barrels. I've found I use a set of roll pin punches much more often than I thought I would.
S&W front sight pin diameter - Ruger Forum
2016年12月7日 · Viewed from the back, I was driving the roll pin right to left. But, that was not the problem. As I stated, my 1/16 inch roll pin punch is too large to fully drive out the pin. I have learned that the hole and pin are .055 inch diameter. So, I have used a small drill bit upside down to get the pin out.
Punch Pin Set - Ruger Forum
2020年10月17日 · I noticed I was wearing through the finish on my LC9 on the slide in the little notch to push the take down pin out. My cheapest solution was a 1/16 inch diameter pin driver from Zoro (tagged onto a supply order). Starrett Brass Drive Pin Punch, 1/16 In Tip, 4 In L Zoro #: G4746341 Mfr #: B565A
Mini 14 stuck pin - Ruger Forum
2009年6月15日 · stuck pin Bronx Boy. I just saw an explanation on another site describing the groove across the top of the barrel that the 1/8 roll pin traverses to secure the sight. Now, of course, it seems so obvious. That explanation also linked to a Brownells video of the use of special roll spring punches specifically so designed.
Front sight roll pin size - Ruger Forum
2018年5月4日 · I've done a few SP101 front sights and found a 1/16th bit worked fine. The 1/16th punch was perfect for driving out the roll pin as well. Hope that helps - not sure what you're working on but removing the roll pin should give you a pretty good idea of the hole size.
LCP firing pin removal - Ruger Forum
2012年3月7日 · (The roll pins are 3/32", you need a regular punch for removal and a roll pin starter punch for replacement. You should also replace the pins after they have been removed) A few range sessions later, the firing pin seemed loose again during a cleaning session. This time it was the firing pin itself that had broken.
GP100 rear sight pin size - Ruger Forum
2013年12月22日 · For future others with the same question, try a paper clip. Advise here is spot on, the pin slides out with little resistance. Then the height screw must come out. It's captive in the Ruger sight but just press on the skinny end while unscrewing it and it will come out.