Stay fit! - Rollz International
Rollz Fit is the world’s first activity companion specifically for rollators, designed to address the changing needs of both healthcare and home environments. It allows accurate activity data to be measured, even with reduced arm swing when using a walker.
Bleiben Sie fit! - Rollz International
Rollz Fit ist der weltweit erste Aktivitätsbegleiter speziell für Rollatoren, der den sich ändernden Anforderungen sowohl im Gesundheitswesen als auch im häuslichen Umfeld gerecht wird. Er ermöglicht die Messung genauer Aktivitätsdaten, selbst bei reduziertem Armschwung bei Verwendung eines Rollators.
Modern Rollator Walkers | Keeps you active | ROLLZ
A rollator walker should be 100 percent comfortable, safe, and light to steer, but it should not just look functional. Just like your glasses, a modern rollator walker needs to fit your style. We want your rollator walker to motivate you to go out more, that’s why our Rollz design rollator walkers have a slick, modern look.
Rollz Fit: How to remove and install the Rollz Fit - YouTube
Learn how to remove and install the Rollz Fit, the world's first activity measure sensor for rollator walkers, with this step-by-step walkthrough! Whether yo...
How to use the Rollz Fit (App walkthrough) - YouTube
Learn how to use the Rollz Fit, world's first activity measure sensor for rollator walker, with this step-by-step app walkthrough! Whether you're setting up ...
Rollz Fit | ROLLZ
Blijf fit! Meet de gelopen afstand, de hoeveelheid verbrandde calorieën en het aantal actieve minuten. De Rollz Fit is de eerste activiteiten meter op een rollator, hij is ontwikkeld om verandering in het beweegpatroon te brengen, zowel thuis als in de gezondheidszorg.
Rollz Fit sensor for Rollz rollators
Rollz Fit is a smart activity sensor designed for Rollz Motion rollators, easily attaching to its wheel. It seamlessly integrates with the Rollz app to measure physical activity, including distance, calories burned, and active minutes.
Rollz Fit - YouTube
The Rollz Fit, along with its innovative app, is tailored to support your holistic well-being by promoting sufficient exercise, essential not only for a heal...
Rollz Rollators and Wheelchairs | Official Shop
Discover the perfect Rollz rollator walker for every adventure. Explore our range of high-quality rollator walkers, electric wheelchairs, and practical accessories, all designed to improve mobility and comfort. Feel free to contact us via email or phone for expert advice. Cover to protect the rollator walker during travel.
Rollz Fit | ROLLZ - Rollz International
Le Rollz Fit, ainsi que son application innovante, est conçu pour favoriser votre bien-être global en encourageant l'exercice physique, essentiel non seulement pour la santé du cerveau mais aussi pour la force physique.