约 4 个结果

ePSXe tutorial - RomUlation
2008年7月11日 · ePSXe for dummies! By: DB_Odin Table of contents: - 1. Components needed for ePSXe -- 2. configuring ePSXe --- 3.
Where to find IPS patch`s for lunar IPS | RomUlation
2009年10月11日 · Hi, Just recently I noticed some comments left about Mario and Sonic at the winter games most people that have TTDS ( me included ) couldn't get it to...
Romunation, my childhood! | RomUlation
2013年11月15日 · It was five years ago when I stumbled across this site by accident, and I gotta say, it's been a heel of a time. This site introduced me to the world...
your favorite ROM sites? - TalkBass.com
2001年5月27日 · I've been at it for awhile now, and i just want some N64 roms, so it got me thinking, post some of your favorite rom sites i usually go to www.rom-world.com, but it's down