Meet Bruce Lee, king of Romania's tunnel underworld - YouTube
May 20, 2014 · Subscribe to Channel 4 News: http://bit.ly/1sF6pOJChannel 4 News meets the people living underground in tunnels beneath Romania's capital Bucharest, abandone...
Bruce Lee, King of Sewers - Medium
Nov 10, 2018 · B ruce Lee is one of the children abandoned during Romania’s communist anti-abortion policy. After the 1989 revolution, they ran away from the orphanages and built an underground empire with...
The Surreal Lives of ‘Bruce Lee and the Outlaw’ in the Communist ...
Apr 9, 2020 · Out now and currently the highest rated film on Mubi, Joost Vandebrug’s and Grain Media’s ‘Bruce Lee and The Outlaw’ is a surreal account of six years spent in Bucharest’s litteral underworld. Part hallucinatory exploration of Bucharest’s street life and its medley of personalities, part biography o
Life Under The Streets: Drug Addicts And Orphans In Romania …
May 21, 2014 · This underground network of sewers is home to the city’s lost and forgotten souls, most of whom have HIV and a quarter of whom suffer from TB. The sewers, and their king Bruce Lee, were the subject of a recently released Channel 4 News film. Bruce Lee, this underworld’s king and primary drug dealer, is a complicated figure.
BRUCE LEE: Romania's Tunnel King - YouTube
After the fall of Romania’s brutal communist dictatorship – is an underground world of sewers and forgotten orphans. This underground network of sewers is ho...
Bruce Lee al canalelor. Mărturisiri exclusive din pușcărie
Arestat pentru trafi c de droguri, Bruce Lee, despre care în momentul încătușării sale se spunea că este posesorul unei averi considerabile, a ajuns de nerecunoscut. Anii de detenție l-au transformat într-o epavă umană.
Bruce Lee, înlănțuit! - "Regele Canalelor" Documentar - YouTube
Sep 22, 2016 · Bruce Lee de România, regele oamenilor străzii!
‘Bruce Lee & The Outlaw’: A firsthand view of life on the streets of ...
Dec 19, 2024 · December’s film of the month, Bruce Lee & The Outlaw (2018), highlights this reality in Romania, where street children come together to form a family underground with a man they call their father, known as Bruce Lee. Filmed over six years, the documentary follows young Nicu, a child growing up in extreme poverty, with drugs, and violence, and ...
Iadul subteran, o vedere in lumea canalelor din Bucureşti (Video)
Întalnindu-l pe “Bruce Lee”, Regele Canalelor din România. Un documentar realizat de Chanel4. Adânc sub străzile Bucureștiului – în Europa, în secolul 21 – există o rețea de tuneluri de canalizare, care este casa, la sute de bărbați, femei și copii afectate de …
Life in the Tunnels: Inside the Underground World of Bucharest, Romania ...
Nov 28, 2014 · An elusive and mysterious man known as Bruce Lee has lived in the sewers for the past 24 years, where he is treated like a king. The tunnel Lee lives in is different than others. His is lined with ...
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