Romanian ak-47 any good - Survivalist Forum
2009年1月1日 · ak-47 romanian ak romanian ak-47 romanian wasr-10 ak-47 Jump to Latest 33K views 29 replies 27 participants last post by IDSLVR Jan 8, 2009
Romanian "G" Ak 47 - Survivalist Forum
2012年7月22日 · Cope's Distributing sent me an e-mail toady advertising Romanian AK kits without barrel for 179 bucks. They also offer U.S. made unlined barrels for 59 bucks and Polish unfinished receivers for 25 bucks. The receivers don't include the rails, and need to have the pin holes drilled and treated, but they do not require an FFL.
Romanian AK-47 - What is it worth? Need some help!
2009年5月20日 · "A CUR 2 is a P.D.B (Produced During assualt weapons Ban) Romanian semi-automatic AK-74 clone. This rifle has a pistol grip and can accept Hi-capacity magazines. A good number have been reported with the AK-74 style muzzle brake instead of a muzzle nut. It uses the standard AK-74 5.45*39 cartridge. The fit and finish of this rifle is good.
PSA AK47 vs romanian AK build - Survivalist Forum
2018年7月27日 · I could build an AK with American Blackheart receiver and chrome lined barrel with all new Romanian parts for about $675. The advantage I see with PSA is lifetime warranty and it comes ready to go play, even has scope mount on side of receiver.
What's a sar-3 romarms ak in .556 worth - Survivalist Forum
2008年12月12日 · "A SAR-3 is a P.D.B (Produced During assualt weapons Ban) Romanian semi-automatic clone of an actual Romanian prototype rifle, that utilized the 5.56*45 round to be in compliance with NATO. This rifle has a pistol grip and can accept Hi-capacity SAR-3 magazines. Unfortunately most SAR-3 magazines are utter crap, purchase only the ones made by ...
AK Romanian, Yugoslavian, Hungarian, Bulgarian - Survivalist Forum
2008年9月7日 · But you have to be careful with those as well. I saw one AK listed as Bulgarian if you did not read it closely. If you did read close, it was an unknown AK with Bulgarian furniture. Then there is the choice of 7.62x39mm (AK-47), 5.45x39mm (AK-74), .223 (5.56mm NATO) and .308 (7.62x51mm NATO), not forgetting the 7.62x59r.
Romanian ak47 sar-1 - Survivalist Forum
2011年6月6日 · I have a Romanian ak47 sar-1 that i inherited from a family member. He always said it was a decent version. I know some parts are romanian and some are american due to the laws, etc... I want to get another one, preferably a clone or exact match so i have a duplicate rifle for simplicity if the SHTF... Any opinions for info about them, and ...
How to tell if my Romanian AK47 is Century Arms "made"
2011年12月27日 · And to repeat myself: Romanian AK clones work, they go bang, every time you pull the trigger. If WASR (the correct model name of the CUGIR rifles is WS, by the way) rifles don't, then they "Thank you" to the guy in the USA who sabotaged working rifles in order to get the c**p 922 compliant.
[SHOT 2023] Century Arms CGR 7.62x39mm – Romanian AK
2023年1月27日 · Century Arms has a new line of Romanian AKs under the name CGR. These are made in Romania and in the city of Cugir, but not in the same factory as the WASR line, but still advertises some impressive specifications for an affordable price. Let’s take a closer look at this new AK. [SHOT 2023] Century Arms CGR – Romanian AK
Romanian ak romak 991 - Survivalist Forum
2009年1月20日 · Here's my question. Has anyone converted a Romanian ak-47 romak 991 from a the factory lo cap single stack, to a hi cap double stack? What all did you have to do? It appears that enlarging the mag receiver, and mag rails is all I may need to do. But the trunion narrows a little bit just in front of the rivets. Any help would be apreciated.