Impala - Wikipedia
The impala or rooibok (Aepyceros melampus, lit. 'black-footed high-horn' in Ancient Greek) is a medium-sized antelope found in eastern and southern Africa. The only extant member of the …
Roe deer - Wikipedia
The roe deer (Capreolus capreolus), also known as the roe, western roe deer, [3][4] or European roe, [3] is a species of deer. The male of the species is sometimes referred to as a roebuck. …
Mountain reedbuck - Wikipedia
The mountain reedbuck (Redunca fulvorufula) is an antelope found in mountainous areas of much of sub-Saharan Africa. There are three recognized subspecies. The mountain reedbuck …
Rooiribbok - Soogdiere - Suid Afrika - South Africa Online
Die Rooiribbok is 'n mediumgroot, grasieuse en skaam bok. Ramme bereik 'n massa van ongeveer 32 kg en meet 750 mm by hulle skouers. Ooie is kleiner teen 30 kg. Pels is …
Rooihartbees - Wikipedia
Die rooihartbees (Alcelaphus buselaphus) is 'n wildsbok wat in Suider-Afrika voorkom. Die bok is glansend rooibruin van kleur terwyl die bles op die gesig, stert en buitekant van die bene swart …
World's Biggest Roebuck - Härkila
Weighing in at 970 grams and measured to 246,9 CIC points, the Widtsköfle buck is still, to this day, the biggest approved roebuck in the world. Several bucks have come close, and some …
The world's BIGGEST roe buck? - Rifle Shooter
2023年8月11日 · In 1982, the world’s biggest roebuck was shot at the Widtsköfle Estate in Sweden. Weighing in at 970 grams and measured to 246,9 CIC points, the Widtsköfle buck is …
Mitch Rompola Buck: The Full Backstory | Outdoor Life
2023年3月13日 · Back in 1998, an experienced bowhunter named Mitch Rompola shot an enormous typical whitetail buck in Grand Traverse County, Michigan. The buck scores more …
Mountain reedbuck - Mammals - South Africa
Mountain reedbuck (Redunca fulvorufula) Artiodactyla. Bovidae. The mountain reedbuck ram measures about 750 mm at the shoulder and has a mass of 24-36 kg, whereas ewes are …
rooibok - definition of rooibok in A Dictionary of South African ...
Meaning and origin of rooibok with spelling and pronunciation. History and development of the term rooibok with example sentences.