8号房间 Room 8 (2013) - 豆瓣电影
2013年4月24日 · 8号房间 Room 8 (2013) 导演 : 詹姆斯·W·格里菲思 编剧 : 詹姆斯·W·格里菲思 主演 : 汤姆·库伦 / 迈克尔·古尔德 / Yuri Klimov / Franc Zalewski 类型: 剧情 / 短片 / 奇幻 制片国家/地区: 英国 / 波兰 语言: 英语 上映日期: 2013-04-24(英国) 片长: 7分19秒 又名: 8号囚室 / 8号囚房 ...
Room 8 (Short 2013) - IMDb
Room 8, a short film written and directed by James W. Griffiths, takes place in a Russian prison. British prisoner Ives (Tom Cullen) is taken to a new cell, where he meets the mysterious Shears (Michael Gould). In the cell, Ives finds a red box, which piques his interest.
Room 8 - Winner of the BAFTA for Short Film 2014 - YouTube
Room 8 is one of five different films from the same script: the Bombay Sapphire Imagination Series. Seeking to spark the imagination, we asked Oscar winning writer Geoffrey Fletcher to write a...
【悬疑短片】8号房间 Room 8 - 哔哩哔哩
世界再大,终究逃不出贪念的囚笼。 从哪扇门进来,就该从哪扇门堂堂正正走出去。, 视频播放量 25282、弹幕量 86、点赞数 265、投硬币枚数 89、收藏人数 615、转发人数 592, 视频作者 白纸一_, 作者简介 ,相关视频:【悬疑短片】紧急呼叫 Emergency Call,别看这里!
Room 8 (film) - Wikipedia
Room 8 is a short, six-minutes-long film that was one of several short films that won the Bombay Sapphire's Imagination Series. The film is based on a script by Oscar -winning screenwriter Geoffrey S. Fletcher .
Rom 8的隐喻(8号房间)影评 - 豆瓣电影
2013年8月2日 · 激活后的亚当和夏娃,在伊甸园没有经受住诱惑,最终被驱逐出伊甸园。 在此是对男主命运的一种暗示,未经受住诱惑,最终遭到惩罚。 ) 所以,我对短片的解读是当我们在生活中遇到困境,想通过捷径来解决的话,或许最终等待我们的是适得其反(片中运用了囚犯想利用红色盒子越狱,却最终被老头<法则>关进更为残酷的小监狱里<火柴盒>)。 但,我们会发现,如果不走被安排的捷径,依然想重获自由的话,其实方法是有的,即残暴的破坏规则的本身(片中 …
Room 8 (S) (2013) - FilmAffinity
Room 8 (S) is a film directed by James W. Griffiths with Tom Cullen, Michael Gould, Yuri Klimov, Franc Zalewski. Year: 2013. Original title: Room 8. Synopsis: A prisoner discovers a magical box with a baneful secret that he falls foul to.You can watch Room 8 (S) through on the platforms:
Room 8 - Rotten Herrings
Room 8 is an original short film directed by James W. Griffiths. Written by both Griffiths and Geoffrey Fletcher, Room 8 explores the idea of a paradoxical box within the morose setting of a prison cell. Although only approximately eight minutes long, the film presents a compelling plot.
Room 8 (2013) - Movie - Moviefone
Thrown to rot in a narrow and gloomy cell of a hideous Soviet prison, a weary new inmate struggles to come to terms with the new reality. Within the grey cage, an...
如何评价短片room 8(八号牢房)? - 知乎
《Room 8》—— 8代表无穷尽、无尽无休... 1. 希腊神话中有一位被惩罚的人,名叫西西弗斯。他受罚的方式是:必须将一块巨石推上山顶,而每次到达山顶后巨石又滚回山下,如此永无止境地重复下去。 2. 希腊神话中有一位受众神眷顾被送给人类的美女,名叫 ...
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