Ropz buys Porsche 911 Turbo S with a starting cost of €270,000
2024年2月21日 · Professional CS2 player Robin "ropz" Kool bought himself a new Porsche 911 Turbo S sports car. The starting price of this on the official Porsche website is €269,000. FaZe Clan member shared photos of his purchase on X. Months of …
太有实力了!世一自r6pz喜提保时捷911 Turbo S - 什么值得买
2024年2月22日 · ropz作为csgo顶级职业选手,收益颇丰,收入主要构成包括(基本工资,赛事奖金,major贴纸分成,直播收益),ropz保守估计一年收入100万€(欧元)以上,这也就不难理解距上次买奥迪RS 5 一年多后再次购入911 Turbo S,对于ropz来说还是easy的。
CS:GO Prodigy Ropz Drives Into Luxury: FaZe Clan Star Unveils …
2024年2月21日 · Renowned CS:GO professional player Robin "ropz" Kool has treated himself to a brand-new Porsche 911 Turbo S sports car, with an initial price tag of €269,000 as per the official Porsche website. Sharing snapshots of his luxurious purchase on X, the FaZe Clan member flaunts his latest acquisition.
Bubzkji:保时捷的诅咒?ropz买车前后数据对比 - 5EPlay
2024年4月29日 · ropz被认为是新版本早期阶段最优秀的选手之一,在买车之前,他的rating为1.16。 而在和TOP5战队的比赛中,他有着1.21的惊人rating。 当时他们在IEM悉尼首次亮相,就取得了1.19的rating,让人印象深刻极了。
Ropz buys Porsche 911 Turbo S with a starting cost of €270,000
2024年2月21日 · Professional CS2 player Robin "ropz" Kool bought himself a new Porsche 911 Turbo S sports car. The starting price of this on the official Porsche website is €269,000. FaZe Clan member shared photos of his purchase on X. Months of …
ropz CS2 Settings, Crosshair & Config - ProSettings.net
2025年2月1日 · Team Vitality ropz settings and setup, including CFG, crosshair, viewmodel, sensitivity and more. Always updated for CS2.
ropz采访:保时捷的梗并不好笑_5EPlay - 5EPlay赛凡网
2024年9月17日 · 日前 FaZe 战队选手 ropz 接受了外媒的采访,在采访中他谈到了诸多内容。 Q:上个月, karrigan 在采访时说FaZe没有了2022-2023年的求胜欲望,在你看来,这是什么原因导致的?
Ropz赛前晒豪车,享受人生 - 5EPlay
2024年2月20日 · Ropz赛前晒豪车,享受人生 在等待Major正赛开赛前, Robin Kool | ropz 先等来了自己订制的豪车,并在个人社媒上发了照片,随后发表感想: “等了好几个月,但这是我个人定制的24年款Turbo S。
ropz compra carro avaliado em mais de R$ 1,79 milhão
No Brasil, o carro de ropz, do modelo de 2024, está avaliado em R$ 1,795 milhão, de acordo com o site da Porsche. Contudo, o valor pode subir caso o comprador adicione acessórios nas rodas, bancos ou para melhor conforto.
Ropz on jokes about his Porsche: "It's very personal. It's a part of …
2024年9月16日 · Fans speculate how Ropz stats went down after he bought Porsche 911 — but there are much better ways to explain his performance drop
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