ROS/Tutorials/Recording and playing back data - ROS Wiki
Recording and playing back data Description: This tutorial will teach you how to record data from a running ROS system into a .bag file, and then to play back the data to produce similar …
ROS入门:保存和回放数据(bag文件的使用) - CSDN博客
2020年7月4日 · rosbag 主要用于记录、回放、分析 rostopic 中的数据。它可以将指定 rostopic 中的数据记录到 .bag 后缀的数据包中,便于对其中的数据进行离线分析和处理。
【ROS-数据格式理解】PointCloud2格式理解fields - CSDN博客
2021年4月27日 · 是 ros 中的标准消息类型之一,用于表示点云数据。点云是一组在三维空间中定义的点的集合,通常由3d传感器(如激光雷达、深度摄像头等)生成,用于描述周围环境的三 …
Recording and playing back data — ROS 2 Documentation: …
You can record data passed on topics and services in your ROS 2 system using the ros2 bag command. Whether you’re sharing your work with others or introspecting your own …
ROS中数据提取与导出 - CSDN博客
2024年6月11日 · 其中,ROS数据记录文件(rosbag)是一种常用的数据记录和回放机制,可以捕获和保存ROS主题的消息数据。本文将介绍如何使用ROS提取和分析rosbag数据,并提供相 …
Bags - ROS Wiki
A bag is a file format in ROS for storing ROS message data. Bags -- so named because of their .bag extension -- have an important role in ROS, and a variety of tools have been written to …
Introduction to using the SQL database interface - ROS Wiki
Description: This is a step-by-step introduction to using the SQL database interface. We will create a new class for holding our data, retrieve data from a database and write back modified …
Visualize recorded data with ROS 2 Replayer and inspect ROS 2 Replayer execution with ROS 2 Spy.
ROS: Home
ROS - Robot Operating System. The Robot Operating System (ROS) is a set of software libraries and tools that help you build robot applications. From drivers to state-of-the-art algorithms, and …
Read, write, and visualize MCAP files containing ROS 2 data.