kinetic - ROS Wiki
2016年5月23日 · ROS Kinetic Kame is primarily targeted at the Ubuntu 16.04 (Xenial) release, though other Linux systems as well as Mac OS X, Android, and Windows are supported to …
kinetic/Installation - ROS Wiki
The links below contain instructions for installing ROS Kinetic Kame on various operating systems. You may also wish to look at robot-specific installation options instead.
kinetic/Installation/Ubuntu - ROS Wiki
Ubuntu install of ROS Kinetic We are building Debian packages for several Ubuntu platforms, listed below. These packages are more efficient than source-based builds and are our …
ja/kinetic/Installation/Ubuntu - ROS Wiki
ROS Kinetic の Ubuntu へのインストール 数種類のUbuntuプラットホーム向けにビルドされたDebianパッケージの一覧が以下にあります。 これらのパッケージはソースを基にしたビル …
cn/kinetic/Installation/Ubuntu - ROS Wiki
在Ubuntu中安装ROS Kinetic 我们已经编译好多个ubuntu平台下的Debian软件包,直接安装编译好的软件包比从源码编译安装更加高效,这也是我们在ubuntu上的首选安装方式。
kinetic/Installation/Debian - ROS Wiki
Setup your computer to accept software from packages.ros.org. ROS Kinetic ONLY supports Jessie (Debian 8) for debian packages. sudo sh -c 'echo "deb …
kinetic/Installation/Source - ROS Wiki
Install from source requires that you download and compile the source code on your own. ROS Kinetic supports Ubuntu Wily and Xenial. Other platforms are possible to use but are not …
Installing ROS Kinetic on the Raspberry Pi
Installing ROS Kinetic on the Raspberry Pi Description: This instruction covers the installation of ROS Kinetic on the Raspberry Pi 2, 3, or 4 with Raspbian Jessie, Stretch, or Buster. However …
es/kinetic/Instalacion/Ubuntu - ROS Wiki
2021年1月30日 · Instalación de ROS Kinetic en Ubuntu Estamos construyendo los paquetes Debian para varias plataformas de Ubuntu, las cuales están listadas en la parte inferior del …
pepper/Tutorial_kinetic - ROS Wiki
In the following, we will explain how you install and start the available bridges between ROS and NAOqi. Hereby, we will install an officially supported C++ version as well as the older Python …