Reactive Oxygen Species (ROS) Levels Define Functional …
2011年11月18日 · In this functional assay, only the ROS-low LSC fraction retains its self-renewal capacity after therapy, thereby indicating that ROS-low cells may be a critical target for therapy. To better understand mechanisms controlling redox heterogeneity in leukemia, we performed biochemical analyses on ROS-low vs high subsets.
Differential redox-regulation and mitochondrial dynamics in …
2019年12月1日 · Leukemia stem cells (LSCs) have low levels of ROS and rely on mitochondrial integrity for their survival. In AML cells, ROS levels and stemness potential are inversely correlated, which allows discrimination of ROS-low LSCs and ROS-high bulk leukemic cells.
Mitochondrial metabolism as a potential therapeutic target in myeloid ...
2021年9月24日 · It has been hypothesised that low OXPHOS levels protect HSCs from damaging reactive oxygen species (ROS) production. Indeed, ROS are a known culprit for mitochondrial DNA mutations, and these...
活性氧 (ROS) 水平定义了人类白血病干细胞的功能异质性,并代表 …
在该功能测定中,只有低 ROS 的 LSC 部分在治疗后保留其自我更新能力,从而表明低 ROS 的细胞可能是治疗的关键目标。 为了更好地理解白血病中控制氧化还原异质性的机制,我们对 ROS 低与高子集进行了生化分析。 我们的研究表明,低 ROS 细胞采用独特的代谢和氧化还原调节特性。 而 ROS 高的细胞表现出与细胞周期促进、代谢、炎症和衰老有关的通路的强烈激活,ROS 低细胞中相应的基因和蛋白质表达显着降低或减少,并且 ROS 低细胞也显示出对线粒体氧化磷酸化 …
Reactive Oxygen Species and Metabolism in Leukemia: A
2022年6月9日 · Initiating and sustaining leukemia depend on the activity of leukemic stem cells (LSC). LSC also show low ROS levels, but unlike HSC, LSC rely on oxygen to meet their metabolic energetic requirements through mitochondrial respiration.
BCL-2 Inhibition Targets Oxidative Phosphorylation and Selectively ...
2013年3月7日 · First, the majority of functionally defined leukemia stem cells (LSCs) are characterized by relatively low levels of reactive oxygen species (termed “ROS-low”). Second, ROS-low LSCs aberrantly overexpress BCL-2. Third, BCL-2 inhibition reduced oxidative phosphorylation and selectively eradicated quiescent LSCs.
Outfoxing OXPHOS: Amino Acid Metabolism and the Leukemia …
2019年10月17日 · Building on these findings, the investigators examined cysteine levels in ROS-low LSC specimens from patients with de novo AML who responded to azacitidine and venetoclax and from patients with relapsed/refractory AML who were resistant to azacitadine and venetoclax.
AMPK/FIS1-Mediated Mitophagy Is Required for Self-Renewal …
2018年7月5日 · Importantly though, AMPK signaling is also preferentially active in ROS-low LSCs, and inhibition of AMPK results in loss of LSC potential, recapitulating the anti-LSC effect of FIS1 loss in AML. These data suggest that AMPK signaling could be a critical link between cellular and/or mitochondrial stress and activation of FIS1-mediated mitophagy ...
Mitochondrial Shapeshifting Impacts AML Stemness and …
2018年7月5日 · In the current study, Pei et al. separated primary AML samples into LSC and bulk fractions based on ROS-low (LSC) and ROS-high (bulk) status. They then compared the mitochondria between these two populations.
Reactive Oxygen Species (ROS) Levels Define Functional
2011年11月18日 · Specifically, ROS low LSCs retain the ability to engraft and develop into leukemia with both ROS low and ROS high populations. On the other hand, ROS high LSCs are more actively...
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