Woman Becomes a Fashion Model at Age 68 and Is Thriving - My …
2022年10月10日 · São Paulo-based Setsuko Saito, aka Rosa Saito, is one of those people. At age 68, she was approached to be a model. It took a year of convincing—twice by a modeling agency and once by a photographer—but Saito finally decided to give it a shot. She hasn’t looked back and is thriving as a model years later, now at 71 years old.
Model at 71, How Rosa Saito Smashes All Age and Beauty
At 68 years old, with white hair and a very strong talent for the arts, Rosa Saito suddenly discovered the passion of her life: the career of a model. Her real name is Setsuko Saito and she adopted the name Rosa on her Instagram to make the pronunciation easier.
“If I Don’t Try, I’ll Never Know”: Woman Becomes A Model At 68, …
2022年9月19日 · The story of Rosa Saito, or Setsuko Saito (she adopted the name Rosa for easier pronunciation), is one of inspiration and brightness, a true breath of fresh air. She inadvertently challenged the predisposed notions surrounding both beauty and aging by becoming a model at 68 years old, and is successfully continuing to do so at the age of 71.
Rosa Saito (@rosa.saito) • Instagram photos and videos
62K Followers, 1,310 Following, 194 Posts - Rosa Saito (@rosa.saito) on Instagram: "Modelo de 74 anos Aquariana Vida saudável 📍São Paulo"
73歲銀髮美魔女登ELLE封面、霸氣走T台!Rosa Saito的故事讓全 …
2025年2月24日 · 時尚圈總是愛新鮮臉孔,但這次話題焦點卻是一位73歲的模特兒-Rosa Saito! 從巴西T台一路走上巴西版《ELLE》封面,她用優雅與自信證明,年齡絕對不是限制,而是一種態度! 68歲才開始模特生涯? Rosa Saito的逆襲之路. 你能想像嗎? Rosa Saito在68歲才踏進模特圈,但她的氣場完全不輸任何年輕超模!...
Woman breaks beauty stereotypes to become model at 68: 'If
2022年9月29日 · Rosa Saito is embracing her age and proudly celebrating her beauty at the age of 71. Saito took the fashion industry by storm when she decided to start working as a model at 68 years old and continues to inspire at the age of 71 now. Born Setsuko Saito, Rosa has always been talented and passionate about the arts.
73歲模特兒 打破世俗美學藩籬 - 人間福報
2024年9月26日 · 【本報綜合外電報導】巴西一名73歲婦女Setsuko Saito(又名Rosa Saito)為服裝品牌、化妝品和雜誌擔任模特兒,她的亮點是在2022年聖保羅時裝周上首次亮相,成為T台上最年長的模特兒,但她入行其實才5年,「我不覺得自己老了,因為在70多歲時還能做這件事是一份 ...
71 岁的超模Rosa Saito 打破年龄和美丽的刻板印象,点燃时尚界
2022年9月18日 · 现年 71 岁的时装模特Rosa Saito,她向全世界证明年龄只是一个数字,而不是衡量一个人的美丽和才华的标准。 68 岁那年,满头白发,有着极强的艺术天分的斋藤罗莎突然发现了自己的另外一面:模特事业。
73歲銀髮美魔女登ELLE封面、霸氣走T台!Rosa Saito的故事讓全 …
時尚圈總是愛新鮮臉孔,但這次話題焦點卻是一位73歲的模特兒-Rosa Saito!從巴西T台一路走上巴西版《ELLE》封面,她用優雅與自信證...
Model at 71, How Rosa Saito Smashes All Age and Beauty …
2024年8月16日 · Rosa Saito, formally known as Setsuko Saito, was always drawn to the artistic side of life. Her passions led her childhood through the many different forms of creativity. From singing to drawing to writing. The world may be familiar with her as a supermodel. But, she only discovered that at the age of 68.
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