Rose OS
Redefining mobile security with customizable profiles, biometric authentication, and advanced privacy features. Discover the trifecta of security that sets Rose OS apart: our three petals of protection. Each petal ensures unparalleled privacy and peace of mind for every user:
GitHub - Rose-OS/Desktop-Rose: A linux distribution that …
A linux distribution that emphasizes customization while maintaining ease of use and minimalism. What is RoseOS? A Linux Distribution named from a flower that symbolizes romance (and …
Rose-OS - GitHub
A linux distribution that emphasizes customization while maintaining ease of use and minimalism. This organization has no public members. You must be a member to see who’s a part of this organization. Loading… GitHub is where people build software.
Rose Capability-based persistent Ada OS First-name Last-name July 8, 2021
RouterOS v7.8beta2新增ROSE存储功能 – YuS
2023年1月29日 · ROSE–为RouterOS增加了额外的企业数据中心功能,包括支持磁盘监控、改进的格式化、RAID、rsync、iSCSI、基于TCP的NVMe、NFS和改进的SMB。该功能目前支持arm, arm64, x86和tile平台。
终于有人把ROS(机器人操作系统)讲明白了 - CSDN博客
2023年11月23日 · ROS(Robot Operating System)是一个适用于机器人的开源框架,这个框架把原本松散的零部件耦合在了一起,为它们提供了通信架构。 ROS虽然叫做操作系统,但是它却要安装在如Linux这种操作系统上才能运行。 它的作用只是连接真正的操作系统(如Linux)和使用者自己开发的ROS应用程序(比如自动驾驶的感知、规划、决策等模块),所以它也算是个中间件,在基于ROS的应用程序之间建立起了沟通的桥梁。 所以,简单点说, ROS就是一个分布式 …
A UEFI loader and OS kernel written in C# and compiled to ... - GitHub
A UEFI loader and OS kernel written in C# and compiled to native code with CoreRT. RoseOS is a hobby OS and currently a very early WIP. As such, many features that you might expect from an OS are missing, and some existing ones may be completely broken.
ROS机器人操作系统——什么是ROS(一) - CSDN博客
4 天之前 · ROS是用于编写机器人 软件 程序的一种具有高度灵活性的软件架构。 它包含了大量工具软件、库代码和约定协议,旨在简化跨机器人平台创建复杂、鲁棒的机器人行为这一过程的难度与复杂度。 ROS 的主要目标是为机器人研究和开发提供 代码复用 的支持。 ROS是一个分布式的进程(也就是“节点”)框架,这些进程被封装在易于被分享和发布的程序包和功能包中。 ROS也支持一种类似于代码储存库的联合系统,这个系统也可以实现工程的协作及发布。 这个设计可 …
Rose OS 배포 안내 ( RS150 / RS150B / RS201A / RS250 )
2022年2月9日 · - RoseConnectPremium for IOS : 2022년 2월 15일 앱 스토어 통한 배포. 1. 본체 기능 추가 및 개선. 2. 본체 시스템 안정화. 1. SW 업데이트 중에는 Rose의 전원을 끄지 마십시오. RoseOS4.0에서 RoseOS4.1로 안정성을 높인 업데이트를 배포 합니다.
Rocheston | Rocheston Rose IoT Operating System
Developed by Rocheston, Rosé is a Linux distro custom built IoT Operating System. It is based on Open Source libraries and frameworks, which is designed to power Internet of Things (IoT) platforms. Rocheston Rosé looks beautiful with its stunning Rocheston Nebula Blue look and feel throughout the OS.