玫瑰窗 - 百度百科
玫瑰窗(the rose window),也称玫瑰花窗,为哥特式建筑的特色之一,指中世纪教堂正门上方的大圆形窗,内呈放射状,镶嵌着美丽的彩绘玻璃,因为玫瑰花形而得名。
Rose window - Wikipedia
Rose window is often used as a generic term applied to a circular window, but is especially used for those found in Gothic cathedrals and churches. The windows are divided into segments by stone mullions and tracery. The term rose window was not used before the 17th century and comes from the English flower name rose. [1]
Rose window | Definition, History, & Facts | Britannica
Rose window, in Gothic architecture, decorated circular window, often glazed with stained glass. The general scheme of a rose window’s tracery consisted of a series of radiating forms, each of which was tipped by a pointed arch at the outside of the circle.
玫瑰窗 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
玫瑰窗是哥特式建築的特色,在法國北部所有主要的哥特式大教堂中都可以看到。 它們的起源要早得多,在整個中世紀時期,玫瑰窗可能以各種形式出現。 在19世紀的哥特復興時期,它們的流行性以及其他中世紀特徵得以恢復,因此在全世界的基督教教堂中都可以看到。
Explore the Beauty of Notre Dame's Rose Windows
Notre-Dame Cathedral boasts three magnificent rose windows over its main portals. In architecture, the rose (rosette) window is the shape of the openwork bay in the wall, while rose is the name of stained glass. A large circle of glass piercing a wall supporting tons of stone is a characteristically Gothic architectural feat.
哥特建筑之精髓 ——玫瑰窗 (the rose window)║墙纸知识
2017年6月21日 · 玫瑰窗(the rose window),也称玫瑰花窗,为哥特式建筑的特色之一,指中世纪教堂正门上方的大圆形窗,内呈放射状,镶嵌着美丽的彩绘玻璃,因为玫瑰花形而得名。
玫瑰窗:解釋,位置,來歷和做法,例子,澳大利亞,厄瓜多,英國,法國,義大 …
玫瑰窗(the rose window),也稱玫瑰花窗,為哥德式建築的特色之一,指中世紀教堂正門上方的大圓形窗,內呈放射狀,鑲嵌著美麗的彩繪玻璃,因為玫瑰花形而得名。
A rose window or Catherine window is often used as a generic term applied to a circular window, but is especially used for those found in churches of the Gothic architectural style and being divided into segments by stone mullions and tracery. The name “rose window” was not used
玫瑰窗 - 搜狗百科
2020年6月23日 · 玫瑰窗(the rose window),也称玫瑰花窗,为哥特式建筑的特色之一,指中世纪教堂正门上方的大圆形窗,内呈放射状,镶嵌着美丽的彩绘玻璃,因为玫瑰花形而得名。
璀璨的玫瑰窗:光影映射下的宗教藝術 The Rose Window of …
Called a “rose window,” this adornment can be found in cathedrals across Europe, although the style was most popular in France. The rose window is a key element of “Gothic architecture,” a highly ornate style of architecture popular from Europe’s High Middle Ages to the Late Middle Ages, roughly 11th century to 15th century.